13 - Get Through It

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We go out for a drive,

late at night,

don't mean to disturb nobody,

but we do a shit-job 

at passin' traffic-lights. 

She steers with one hand and I 

love that since

I can't get enough of her touch. 

She has these kinds of hands, 

you see, 

that are like touching humanity. 

The skin's the right bunch 

of soft and rough, 

like how real people should 

honestly feel. 


you hold me a little longer'?

I ask 

as we make the curve around a mountain. 

Always hope you know that

I don't mean to shush you up when you're nervous,

I just want you to know that,

no matter what,

we'll get through this.

No matter what, 

we'll always 

get through it. 

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