29 - Free of Shackles

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I'm free of shackles,

now that I moved

to a new place, the scents 

of New York can't touch me

the way 

I thought they used to be 

able to

when I was with you.

The snow hit the ground 

and stayed around,

just like you did. 

Apples, lemons,


Fragrances that I put 

in a house 

by the lake now, 

because I wanna relax 

in the hammock that I bought 

at the store when it was 

just me. 

The chains come off,

I learn to handle my money

and get a little bit more pretty. 

I don't need a key 

'cause the lock will erode 

if you just let it go-

If you just let it go. 

I'm at a peace,

nothing's botherin' me, 

here at my house 

right down by the sea. 

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