38 - Nothin' to Lose

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energy exerted 

to limits I still pushed,

I'm lyin' on the softest

of chairs.

Contrast has this capability 

of tasting so sweet

because I give myself over

to the powers that be. 

The happy ending 

won't come 'til I'm 

slippin' off the rocks 

and rememberin' 

how I found this city beautiful 

in the first place-

Lights and cars are great,

but nothin' without the addition 

of your savin' face. 


is the energy 

that lights up my chest

when you light up my phone. 

You're a friend 

and I'm a kid

who pushes himself

to appear so fast

every day,

because I've seen the truth --

wrapped up in the box,

with strings, tongs, and silver locks --

that I've got nothin' to lose. 

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