16 - She's so 2019

7 4 2

Well, she's -- 

God, she's 

a local towny 

who likes to get ice-cream 

even when it's freezing


She's a girl who likes white tops 

and isn't afraid to be too loud,

showing the world that she, too, 

has her own show going on in the background. 

She talks too much -- 

so much --

and it's exactly what makes her

astoundingly real and not make-believe.

Yeah, she's all the old years, 

and still so 2019. 

She has these wristbands 

and practices journaling 

when no one's looking. 

She's got pages that could fill 

up her car,

and a jacket so dark 

that the factory wants it back. 

She's tone, infrared, and satellite-

She's swear words, bleeding, and falling. 

I hope I can make it into the DMs this 2019. 

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