14 - Wet

9 4 0

I lose my footing

and fall right into 

your arms. 

'Feels good, don't it?' 

You ask me

as we 

sift through a bunch of jars

of fragrances that emanate 

from candles inside a local shop. 

You handle 

glass like it's so precious.

Always loved to fantasize 

about you holdin' me 

the same way, darling. 

We're too drained  for the lights 

of Doswell 

for, at least, right now.

You undo your belt 

and whisper to me 

'have you ever felt

somethin' like these


It's so good

that your bed is so close to the floor, 

because I could 

fall right off from the kind of surprise

that only good guys get

when a girl like you 

tells us she's wet. 

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