7 - CDs & Lemonade

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have that look 

of another time 

in history. 


these books

were just things 

that I read

to pass the time.

Your hair,

in my face,

reminds me of an era

of CDs and lemonade-

Of slow cars and parades-

Of couches for resting- 

Of somebody worth investing in

because they reminded 

you of your best self. 

Don't stare at 

the price-tag

for too long,

the salary, 


is torment for you all.


leave your post, 

and just grab a drink 

by a store

that's more 

of an experience.

You show me 

through scents, sounds, and touching 

that I'm more than a painting. Brushing 

all the dust away

you softly say 

'my name's the name

that starts with an A,

and I'll either be a good grade

or a song you might know 

from Barry Manilow'.

The snow 

never stops

falling for the weekend,

but I wanna paint 

a thousand pictures 

of your face, 

because it's worth it,

and you say

'don't you know? 

Don't look so blue.

You're worth it too'. 

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