43 - Love

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Pulsing over the skin 

of my thin, drummed lines-

She's the voice 

that tells me I'm happy enough

and can go forward

in any direction, and when last I heard

her, she was still enjoying cold-readings.

I'd pour the cosmos into her 

with every shout.

Fastened to the bed

I'd stay covered in sweat,

my bare chest

glistening and shiny

underneath her nightlight. 

Her breasts would touch,

pressed together,

large and full of love.

She scooted closer, covered in cum,

and kissed my forehead

like she was my mum. 

Each time we smashed cores,

I fell in love a little more.

I know, the man, right?

Who's heart should be like an open door,

but for this girl, I only sprouted 

and jizzed, and shouted

'I love you'. 

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