40 - Smile Together

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I'm just sittin'

here in the mist

and lovin' 

every minute 

of my setup. 

Did you know

that a comeback

is the least thing 

I really need

right now? 

I got this application 

that she keeps tryin' to message, 

and I've got so many files --

scratched up data --

of things I did over a break.

Lookin' back, despite how bleak,

or how dark it was,

I've come so far 

with pictures of color and 

iron bars that decorate 

my closets.

I'm ready to see

more of this house-

You could hold my hand, 

but, honestly,

I just want you to be happy

and that means

that I'll have to be the one

to be honest, first and foremost

no matter who the host. 

Wanna smile together? 

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