5 - Like a Firecracker

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He's a big, strong man, 

like a big brother

who just fucks me 'til I can't stand

whenever he can. 

He's like a hairy pair of hands 

who wring around my fuckin' throat,

that I never knew I needed,

'til I'm bleedin' 

and tossed around like a House Salad. 

Fuck me, I'm fuckin' cumming!

I can't take the pressure. 

He's bluffing when he says 

my body too good. 

At least, I'm likin' 

the idea of him lyin' just

to make me feel better about 

my tummy, neck, eyes and 


I've always felt a little

more on the insecure side of 

things, but, well, 

when he treats me like a naughty princess, 

my mind shuts the hell up.

There ain't no more reasons to think, 

when he sinks into me like a firecracker. 

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