Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

"Okay, I have my guitar, bass, pillow, two suitcases, carry on, is there anything else?" I muttered to myself. 

"Your passport." Lola said smiling me. 

"Ah, yes. Thanks Lola, you're the best!" I exclaimed. 

"I try." She said. 

"Well, girls, who's ready to go to the airport?" Lola asked the two others.

"What?" I said. 

"We're taking you to the airport." Kendell said with a grin. 

"Let's load your stuff in." Lola said. 

Two Hours Later: 

"First class flight 203 for Chicago  is now boarding passengers." A lady's voice over the intercom rang. 

"Girls, this is it." I said frowning. 


"I'm going to miss you too, Kendell."

"Bye." Claire sad hugging me. She looked like she was going to cry. 

"Del-" Lola said hugging me tightly.

"I"m going to miss you much! Promise me you'll Skype and talk to us, please!" Lola said. 

"I will, I promise." I said holding back tears. 

"First Class flight 203 for Chicago will be leaving in less than ten minutes." 

"Well, this is it." I said putting on a smile. 

I started to walk away and turned my head.

"Bye, Del!" Lola said crying. 

I had to keep it together, but I wanted to cry so bad. I missed them already. 

I boarded the plane and found my seat. 

No one was sitting next to me. 

"Good." I thought. 

All the other times i'd flown I had to ride with some weirdo. 

I stowed my carry-on away and then sat down and sighed.

One Hour Later:

"Attention passengers: Our flight to O'Hare International airport has arrived. Please make sure all items and carry-on's are stowed away for safety and thank you for flying with us at United Airways. " 

"Well, that was short." I thought myself. 

I grabbed my carry-on and headed into the airport. 

I groaned to myself thinking about the long two hour wait I had for the connecting flight. 

I went into one of the convenient store areas and bought myself a magazine, Doritos, and pack of starbursts. My favorite!

I sat back down in the waiting area and thought to myself. 

I stared at my iphone. I knew who to call at times like these. 

I tapped my foot as I waited for the phone to pick up.


"Hi mom, it's Delilah."

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" 

"I'm okay. I'm bored to tears though." I said.

My mom laughed.

"As expected from you. When does your flight leave?" 

"In another two hours." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sounds like fun." She said sarcastically.

"You betcha." 

"You nervous?"

"...Yes. Completely terrified."

I've never been to England. Heck, i've never even left the United States! 

"You'll be fine, sweetie."

"But mom, what if they don't like me? What if they decide i'm not talented and get rid of me and i'm all by myself in London?" I said panicking slightly.

I get myself worked up sometimes. 

"Don't be silly. They hired you because they think you have potential. Just think about what's in store for you. For all you know, you might be number on the UK charts by next year!" 

I was glad she believed.

"Thanks, mom but they hired me as a backup singer, not to be the next Adele." I said.

"You never know..." 

I feel like I could hear her grin on the other end. 

"Oh, you're father wants to talk to you." 

"Hello?" My dad said.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hi, Kiddo." 

I'm sure he thinks i'm still 13. 

"You ready for this, Delilah?" 

"Ready for what?"

"For a new start, a new life. You're life is going to be a lot different now." 

"I guess so." I said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be great and the label will love you."

"I have to catch you later, you're sister is arguing with your  mom about something." 

Typical Kelsey.

"Bye, dad."

"Oh and one thing- I don't want to hear about you falling in love with some British boy. You're too young for  that."

"Uh dad, I"m twenty-three." I said.

"I know, that's why I told you." 

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"Bye, honey."

"Bye, Dad." I said while hanging up  the phone. 

I just sat there, grabbed my starbursts and studied the cover of my magazine.

Two hours later:

"First class flight 312 is now boarding passengers." 


I grabbed my things and boarded the next plane. 

Twenty minutes later: 

"Hello and welcome to United Airways. Please stow all carry-on's and other items away in the designated areas. We will be leaving shortly and we hope you enjoy your flight."

I put my headphones it, grabbed my pillow, and closed my eyes. 

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