Chapter Thirteen

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As I woke up from a glorious nap, since I didn't have to go into the studio today because of the charity ball,I rolled over to look at my phone. 

"@McFlyChloee: @DelilahMyersMusic you want to come over to my place and get ready for the ball? xx" 

Aww, she invited me to get ready! This feels like High School all over again. 

I giggled to myself and replied.

"@DelilahMyersMusic: @McFlyChloee of course. I'll be there soon. x" 

I couldn't wait to get ready, I honestly am not into wear super fancy outfits and going to balls, but It was cool that I finally had a good friend to bond with, besides the boys.

I couldn't share the same things I share with Chloe to them. It wasn't the same. 

I quickly grabbed my dress, heels, clutch, etc. Put them in a bag, and left my apartment... I mean't 'flat'. 

I grabbed a taxi and made my way to her place. 

 I heard my phone vibrate and looked at the screen:

"@McFlyChloee: getting ready for the charity ball with @DelilahMyersMusic! xx" 

 I just smiled and before I knew it, I was at her apartment-er, flat. 

I opened the door and Chloe immediately came to hug me.

"Delilah! You're here! Now we can get ready to look our best." She said enthusiastically. 

"How am I suppose to do that?"  I thought to myself.

I wasn't really good at make-up or doing hair.

As soon as I stepped into Chloe's room, she pulled out a huge pile of make-up, accessories, and pretty much anything you'd need to get ready.

"Woah." I said.

"I know, it's a lot but a girl has to look her best! Especially for a ball like this." She said. 

She was such a happy person.

I really enjoyed that. 

"Erm...Chloe?" I asked like an awkward 11-year-old.

"Yes, Del?"

"Do you think you could help me with me  make-up?" I asked her.

I felt slightly embarrassed that I was a grown woman and barely knew how to apply eye liner.

"Of course! That's what friends are for!" She said.

"Thanks." I said. 

"Okay, first things first; we have to do your hair before we do hair." She said.

"Okay, well, I don't really know what  to do with it." I said honestly.

"No problem. I was thinking we could go for a vintage/pin-up kind of look, like nineteen forties style. Is that okay?"

"Fine by me. I actually really like vintage things, despite my lack of ability to obtain the style." I said.

"Oh, hush. With your features, you'll look absolutely amazing with this style." She said.

I was so serious about it.

"Are you a professional?" I asked.

"Oh, no! I'm a writer" She said laughing.


"Yes, I'm not published yet, but I've had a few offers from publishing companies." She said with a big smile.

"That's great."

"Anyways, enough about me; let's get started on your makeover." 

Twenty minutes later:

"Take a look." She said as I got up out of the chair, from which felt like hours of waiting.

I turned around to see a girl with beautiful, curly, glossy hair that looked like a vintage movie star.

It was me!?

"Woah." I managed to stutter out.

"My work here is done." Chloe said smiling.

"Chloe, that you so much!' I said hugging.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." She said. 

"Now, let's get our dresses on, we don't want to be late for our dates." She said.

"I think Dougie will survive." I said smugly.

"Yeah, but what about yours." I said.

"Erm, To-He'll be fine." I said stopping myself before giving away my who my real date is.

Chloe looked at my skeptically.

"Del, who is your date exactly?"

"Well, he's a great guy..."

"Don't tell me..." Chloe said gasping.

"Is it one of the boys?"


"It can't be Danny, he's with Emma, and it can't be Harry, he's with Amanda, and Dougie's definitely with me."


"You're going with Tom?!" 

"Yes..." I said shushing her.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" 

"I don't know, I guess I was getting carried away since Tom and I were trying to hide it from the boys." 


"Because, I don't know, it's complicated. Plus, Fletch wanted Tom to go with a more famous person for publicity, but Tom didn't want to do that." I said.

"I see. What's your plan then? You can't hide it forever." I said.

Point taken.

"You'll see." I said smiling. 

"Whatever you say." She said rolling her eyes.

Her phone then proceeded to go off.

"Oh, Dougie says they're outside the flat waiting for us." She said.

We both did last minutes touch-ups, put on our heels (which were way to high), and left the flat.

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