Chapter Seven

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"WHERE THE BLOODY HECK ARE YOU?" The angry person on the other line yelled.

Definitely Tom.

"Dude, calm down, I took Del to Miller's." Dougie said.

"Well, get your bum back here. We need to record again." Tom said.

"Okay, bye." 



I stormed out of the store and made my way to the studio.

Dougie's POV:

Woah. Del seems pissed. Wonder why...Was it what Tom said.

He's been grouchy for weeks.

I thought he was over all of this...It's been months..., guess not.

Delilah's POV:

I walked into the studio, fuming.

"Oh, ya finally here." Tom said sarcastically.

"YOU." I said ready to explode.

Every ones mouth dropped.

"You are unbelievable! Yelling at Dougie, giving me dirty looks, not even bothering to welcome me, not to mention your horrible attitude and you STILL never said sorry for the coffee shop incident. What is wrong with you! If this is what working with you's like, count me out!" I screamed.

I shot my mouth off again, but this time, it felt good.

"coffee shop incident?" Dougie and Danny mouthed.

"I thought that maybe you'd be a sweet, down to earth musician, but obviously I was completely wrong!" 

"I suppose your right..." Tom said with his hair down in his face. He walked out the door and left. 

The room was silent. 

"I'll go check on Tom." Danny said quietly leaving the room.

I couldn't take it. 

I just ran. 

Ran to anywhere I could be alone. 

I found the nearest bathroom and just sat there, and bawled my eyes out. 

Harry's POV:

"Dougie, what on earth is going on?" I asked.

"I'm not quite sure, honestly." 

"Was she like this in the store?" I asked.

"No, not really until Tom called me. Then she looked real angry and ran off to the studio." 

"She must've been mad at Tom...don't blame her but she had a lot of guts to do that, especially on the first day on the job. Do you know what she mean't about the coffee shop incident?" I asked.

"No. But i'm going to find out." Dougie said running to the door.

I just smiled. 

Dougie had such a big heart. 

Dougie's POV:

I ran as fast I could, searching through every space to find Del, untl I reached the loo. Even though it wasn't proper to go into a women's loo, I had to.

"Del, are in here? Del." I called out.

I heard muffled sounds of crying. 

She was definitely in here.

I looked through every stall.

I saw tiny feet, and smiled. 


"Del, I know you're in there, please talk to me." 

"Please leave me be, Dougie." 

"No, I won't." 


"Fine, then i'm coming in." 

I hoped her trousers weren't down.

I popped my head under the stall and slinked back up.

"I told you I would." I said with a half smile.

She wouldn't look up at me. 

"Del, what's going on?"

She still wouldn't respond.

"Del, please talk to me." I said lifting up her chin to see her tear-stained face. 

She looked pretty even when she was crying like that.

"I-I-I'm sorry I blew up...It just bothered me SO much that he was so mean and got away with it! I just flipped out I guess." She said softly.

"Tom wasn't always like this, ya know." 


"Yeah, the real Tom is fun, dorky, and sensible...well, that was until..." 

"Until what?" 

"I don't know...He should tell you for himself, I guess. Now what was this funny business about a coffee shop?"

"Well, I met Tom at a coffee shop. I was in line in front of him, and I spilled tea all over him and-an"

She started to pour out tears again.

Poor girl. I didn't think she was this upset over it.

"Shh, it's okay." I said hugging her.

It was a bit awkward, considering she was on the loo, but I didn't care. I just held her, hoping she'd feel better. 

Author's Note: Hello, readers. Sorry for the short chapter! More will be on the way. I felt to end this promptly because this scene is a lot  more intense than the others. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Why is Tom always so angry? Will Delilah quit? You'll have to read to find out. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

                                                 -- Erin xx

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