Chapter Seventeen

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Danny's POV:

I was dancing with Emma, chatting about the scenery, and I heard this loud and booming.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" from across the dance floor.

It sounded just like Tom.

What has he gotten himself into.

I ran over there to find him grabbing this red headed bloke by the collar, and throwing him back down.

He was fuming, I don't think i've seen this Tom upset for a long time.

The Paps along with all their cameras and crew surrounded the place.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" I said.

I had to get to Tom.

I literally shoved my way through the hoard of paps.

"Butty, butty please calm down." I said comforting him.

"Tom, just breathe" I said.

I looked over at Del, who seemed completely shattered at what just happened.

"What happened?" Asked Emma behind me.

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out!" I said raising my voice.

"It's okay, Dan, we'll get it all sorted out, you know we will. I'm to check on Del."



"Everything's alright." She said smiling her Emma smile.

I actually believed her this time.

Dougie's POV:

Before I knew it, I heard shouting and yelling. The paps starting forming a bee line to the other side of the ballroom. That's where Del and Tom were.

Oh no...

It couldn't be them, right?


Chloe and I shared the 'oh no' look.

"Let's get over there fast!" She said.

I ran over, pushing my way through to find Danny, Emma. Tom, and Delilah.

"LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!!!!!" I said screaming at the paps, who were relentless on getting their photos.

I don't think i've ever gotten that violent in public before.

Guess there's a first for everything.

Since the paps continued to follow our every move, we all scrambled and made ran out the exit.

All out of breath, we all walk to the next block down the road.

"Thanks guys for backing me up...let's just go home now." Tom said hanging his head down low.

He was definitely angry still. I don't think i'd ever seen Tom lash out like that before, at least in public.

Delilah's POV:

After we left the block, the whole car ride was in silence.

You could hear the person next to you breathing.

That's how quiet it was.

After dropping off Chloe, who smiled at me, trying to bring up our spirits, we headed to Tom's (and Dougie's place).

Tom forgot to drop me off, but I didn't dare say anything, we just silently headed to their house.

I walked in the door, kicked off my heels, and sat uncomfortably on one of their couches.

Tom immediately went into the kitchen, while Dougie turned on the T.V.

"Later this evening, Tom Fletcher, lead singer and guitarist of the award winning band, McFly, caused quite a stir at a local charity ball event this evening. He was seen yelling and threatening a young man, who appeared to be harassing a girl. This isn't just any girl though, This is Delilah Myers, McFly's new back-up singer from across the pond. Hmm, let's hope the new album won't be as violent as Tom's escapades, right boys?"

This woman's gossip definitely help the situation...

"I'm going upstairs." Tom said quietly.

I felt terrible. I had caused all of this.

It was all my fault.

Why did I have to ruin everything, just because I let some tool dance with me?

I sighed and sat back down, burying my head into a throw pillow.

I felt someone scooch closer to me, embracing me tightly.

It was Dougie.

I started to cry.

"I feel like every time i'm here you cry." Dougie said  with a light hearted laugh.

"I-I-know." I said crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay, Del. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is!" I said blubbering, burying myself into his side.

"No, it's not. Tom was looking out for you. It took him a lot of courage to do that...and maybe come to the realization of how he feels."

"What are you talking about?" I said wiping my face.

"Tom really likes you..."

"Yeah, so?"

"Like a lot."


"Yeah, why do you think he was so protective of you? You can be so silly sometimes, ya know." He said chuckling and ruffling my hair.

"I know." I said in a half smile.

I got up, stretching my arm.

"Where are you going?" Dougie asked curiously.

"To fix things."

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