Chapter Fifteen

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"Alright, onto the McFly Express!" Dougie said with a goofy grin on his face.

Oh, Dougie. What a strange child.

"Do you know the directions to the place?" Tom asked Dougie.

"Pssh. Of course I do!" Dougie said confidently.


"Yeah?" I answered.

"Do you know how to get there?"

Tom just looked at Dougie, and face palmed himself. 

"What am I going to do with him?" He said to himself.

We all go into the car, well, I mean Tom, Chloe, Dougie, and myself since Harry and Danny were riding with Emma and Amanda there.

"Del." Tom said in a quiet voice.

"What?" I said after spacing out for quite a few minutes.

"If they ask about our dates, tell them that they were suppose to meet us there, but they both got 'stuck in traffic'." He said in air quotes.

"I like the way you think Mr.Fletcher." I said.

He looked at my and chuckled.

"What are you, giggling school girls? What have you been laughing about so much?" Chloe asked skeptically. 

"Nothing." I said.

"Just McFly stuff." 

"Yup. Just McFly things." I said gulping.

Tom gave me this look that said 'they're onto us.'

We both just played it cool.

Dougie's POV:

What is up with Tom and Del?! Seriously. Weeks ago, Del declared she loathed Tom, and now they're sitting in the backseat of my car, giggling about  and whispering in each other's ears? Something is going on. 

I'm going to find out.

Chloe's POV:

Dougie had an evil grin on his face. He was up to something.

"Dougie, what are you grinning like that about?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing, just wondering when Romeo over there will fess up." Dougie said pointing towards Tom, who was oblivious to the fact we were talking to him.

"What are you talking about?' I said.

"Something is definitely going on with Tom and Del. They're acting so...different. You didn't know this, but weeks ago, when she first got here, she absolutely hated Tom...somehow, Tom started manning up, and changed his attitude. Apparently he changed his feelings as well..." Dougie said.

"Oh, Doug. I don't think they're is anything between them, at least what I can see."

"Chloe, it took you like a year to figure out I had a massive crush on you. You wouldn't recognise a crush if it walked right through you." He said smirking.

"Oh hush Mr.Poynter, just keep driving. Or you'll for sure not have a dance partner tonight."

"I'll always have Harry." He said.

I glared at him.

"As you wish, dear." He said.

 I'm dating the worlds biggest dork. But he's my dork.

Tom's POV:

I was so nervous...I mean don't get me wrong, I was having a good time with Del, talking, laughing, but I still felt nervous around her, for some reason. I just felt more shy than usual. 

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