Chapter Twenty

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Tom's POV:

After moments of us having our lips locked together, she stopped, and froze.

"I...I-I have to go now, Tom. Goodnight." She said running off in a whisper.

Dang it, Thomas. Now not lonely have you poured your heart out to her, but then kissed her, and made her run away.

I mean, don't get me wrong, that kiss was amazing, but what will happen now?

Delilah's POV:

What. Just. Happened.

I was kissed. By none other than Tom Fletcher himself.

Guess this call's for only one thing.

"Hello?" I heard the phone pick up on the other end.

"Hello, Chloe. It's Del."

"Oh, hello love! How are you?"

"In need of some major girl time emergency."

"Oh, something happen?"

"massive." I said with my eyes widening

"Don't, say another word. I'm calling up the girls now. I'll share details in a moment."

"Okay, bye."


My phone buzzed minutes later to receive a text message.

Emma: We're meeting at my flat in about a half an hour. See you then, girlie! xxx

I sighed and grabbed my phone and purse.

I giggled at the thought of all their reactions of me telling them what happened yesterday.

I arrived there and as soon as I opened the door, a trio of giggling girls stood before me.

"Oh my gosh, tell us what happened!!!" Amanda squealed in her comforting American accent.

"Hold, let me sit down first!" I said after being hovered over.

I plopped on the nearest couch.

"Okay, tell us the details, girl! We want to know the scoop." Amanda said.

"I've noticed." I said sarcastically.

"C'mon Del, just spill it." Emma said.

"Fine, okay. So, you know how me and Tom went on" I said with hesitation.

"Yeah?" Chloe said.

"Well, we got there, and we saw this pretty gazebo with twinkling lights, and there was a band playing All About You, and then he kissed me." I said with my face turning red.

"Oh  my gosh!!! I knew it!" Amanda said practically shouting.

"I predicted it would happen first, actually." Emma said confidently.

"What really matters is what Del feels about it." Chloe stated maturely.

All eyes were on me.

"Well, I don't know, honestly. That kiss was breath-taking, but it might just have been a heat of the moment thing. I don't know if Tom really does genuinely like me or not, or if I like him for that matter. It all depends on how he feels."

"How who feels?" I male voice with familiar accent said while walking into the room.

"Danny! What are you doing here, love?" Emma said wrapping her arms around her beloved boyfriend.

"Came to see you." He said kissing her nose. He was so sweet on her.

"Hey, don't forget about us!" Dougie said stepping in with Harry.

"Hello, Ladies." Harry said tipping his imaginary hat.

"Oh, we didn't know you girls were having girl time or whatever you call it, we can leave it ya want." Danny said chuckling.

"Oh, no. Don't feel obligated to leave because of me." I said.

"Ah, if you insist." He said.

"So, what's all the commotion about? What boy are you talking about?" Dougie asked in a girlie voice.

"Del's having boy problems." Amanda said bluntly.

"Ohh, which boy?" Harry said using his hand to hold his head up while joining Dougie in the cringe-worthy girl voice.

"Tom!" Amanda said covering her mouth.

"Amanda!" I said turning around in embarrassment.

"hm, that would explain a lot." Danny said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why?" Chloe said in curiosity.

"Well, Tom seemed quite different more happier than usual, almost giddy. We couldn't figure out why. But at the same time he seemed distraught too." Harry said earnestly.

"Did something happen while you were together?" Danny questioned me, looking straight into my eyes. Danny had really pretty eyes for guy. They were like a clear blue.

"Uh, I see guess you could say that." I said mumbling slightly.

"Girl, don't be around the bush, Tom kissed her." Emma said abruptly.

"Gee, thanks Em." I said sarcastically.

"I had a feeling he fancied you from the start." Danny said letting out a big laugh.

"Uh oh..." Dougie said trailing off.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, I kind of invited Tom over with us and he's on his way right now, having no idea you're hear."

"This is going to be weird. We both need space to think." I said.

"Too late now." Chloe said pointing towards Tom himself, standing in the doorway.

"Hello, everyone! How-

He cut off mid sentence after panning across my face.

I can't avoid him now.

But the question was, why did I want to avoid him but at the same time, be with him?

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