Chapter 10

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Izzie carved many small dots on a wood plank and began her own little game of connect the dots. With no real picture or point.

Was just a complicated bunch of lines.

"Hiiiiii." Ben greeted, appearing.

She didn't look at him, scowling as she still felt anger.

"C'moooon, let's play Minecraft?" He asked.

Still nothing.

Izzie gave no acknowledgement he was there, still very pissed about the prank.


"I don't like pizza." She couldn't stop the words.

He gasped, feigning shock. "Oh. My. God, who doesn't like pizza??"

"Me." She hissed, glaring. (I only like pizza rolls, lol) "Not everyone thinks the exact same. I could've gotten sick, ya know?"

"Jeff dragged me in there, and bribed me." He said, hoping that'll get her forgiveness.

The exact opposite.

"Wow, isn't that fun to know?" She said, turning to him. "Our new friendship can be thrown away by something like money, or food, or whatever the f*ck Jeff the A$$hole gave you!"

She threw her plank to the ground and stomped away, huffing, leaving a frustrated but guilty Ben.

Serves him right. She thought, throwing the doors open and heading to her room. She didn't like pranks, whether for fun or cruelty.

She had few good friends in few schools, and some bullies. Even if they, in comparison, to what her mother told her about Jeff's bullies, were minor, she didn't like it at all. Who did?

The name calling, the rumors, and the little trips and shoves. The worst was nearly falling off a bridge.

She scowled at the memory, how she thought that event was too minor to tell to her mother, merely explaining that her teacher was exaggerating and the bridge was only a foot off the ground.

In reality, she might've broken a bone, or her neck if she actually fell.

All because of a boy asking her out.

She didn't even want to date!

Stupid, jealous, rich girls.

She grit her teeth and had to control herself as she tried to not slam the door closed and flopped on the bed, hateful tears springing in her eyes.

She shut them, sighing and burying herself under the heavy blanket.

Maybe later, Sally could cheer her up.


Sadly, a short chapter. Sorry.

I know what I want to write, but it's hard choosing the right words.


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