Chapter 12

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"You're not real, Erica."

Izzie could feel her brown eyes staring at her, her skin prickling from the feeling.

"I'm n not?" Erica asked, her mouth forming the wide grin again. Izzie felt disturbed, remembering that it used be one filled with mirth and now, it looked too wrong.

Izzie shook her head, turning to leave, hoping she'd go away and started back to the mansion. Maybe no one noticed she we-

She let out a yell when she was tackled, a cold sensation wrapping around her, dark hair filling her sight.

"D don't leave, Iz. I m missed you." She whispered, tightening her hold when she felt the smaller wriggle a bit. "We a all-"

"Izzie, what the hell are you doing?"

Izzie opened her eyes, seeing the empty field and the sensations left her. She looked to Jeff, who stared at her confusedly. The behind her.

No one was there.

And she hadn't realized how cold she was, and her fingers were beginning to numb with her toes. She tried to walk towards him, but her knees buckled, as if she had been standing for a long, long while.

"C'mon, your b!tch of a mom's worried about y- Hey!"

Was the last thing she heard before collapsing.


Apparently, she was carried to the mansion.

Izzie remembered only parts of the trip and parts of the reactions of the others to her being carried there and barely conscious.

"Isabelle! Where-" was the beginning of her mother's worried voice, but she blacked out after two words.

There were more sudden awakenings, but she couldn't hear any coherent words. Or her hearing was just that bad.

Her eyes, after what she assumed must've been a few hours, opened for about five minutes, just staring at the wallpaper of her mother's room, then she fell into sleep.


"Seeing those other girls with you make me sick."

"Maybe just stay here and watch a movie with me? Please?"

"Where've you been? It's been a few hours since we last hung out!"

Izzie groaned, holding her head as the same voice just became incoherent as they began lapping over each other, becoming unbearable.

"Shut up!" She screamed, managing to overcome the voices and she got up and ran to any direction. It didn't matter, there was only white.

No direction, no other entities, nothing to distract her from that damned voice.

"Izzie, don't run away from me!"

"Izzie, listen to her, we just want to catch up."

Izzie stopped, looking around for her friend, who was much more desirable than the only voice she's been hearing in this white hellhole.


"Just calm down and stop and listen."

"Then you can rest all you want."


"That's right, all your friends are here, Izzie."

"We're all you need."


Izzie screamed, startling her mother and those who heard from the other rooms.


If anyone's confused about some different text features, most of the voices are different ones, but the first three are one person.

You'll find put later.

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