Chapter 16

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Tap, tap, tap, tap.

She didn't like this.

Drip, tap, drip, drip, tap, drip.

Back to the same empty white, but something was definitely different. She was alone. It was quieter than usual, save the strange taps and drips.

No overlapping voicea and no recurring glimpses of the dead. It should be peaceful, but all it did was cause her paranoia.

"You're never alone!"

Izzie spun, nothing in sight.

"Behind you."

Eyes widened in pain when something tore into her back, claws ripping her skin apart. Her mouth gaping into a silent scream.

Izzie let out the scream that built in her sleep, her hands gripping the sheets tightly enough to almost tear.


"M mom?" Izzie's voice shook as she watched as her mother rushed into the room.

She was back at the mansion.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Izzie opened he mouth, but nothing came out. Then a gargled scream built up as her mother's image began to distort, an unnatural smile formed, rivaling Jeff's own, and skin turned flaky and started to fall.

"Behind you." Her mother pointed behind her as Erica's voice slipped out her mouth.

Izzie felt a burning, stinging pain in her back when something, or someone -or definitely something- wrapped itself around her back.

"Join us, join us, join us joinusjoinusjoinusjoINUSJOINUSJOINUS-!"

"Izzie! What's wrong?!"

Her breathing quickened, kicking away at whatever was trying to restrain her. She kept her eyes shut and continued to fighting the thing.


Oh God, it was trying to shape itself in Kylie's voice. It's still a dream, it's still a dream, it's a dream.

"Wake up!"

"No, get away, go away! Don't touch me!" She screamed, clutching her burning cheek.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Iz, but you need to. Wake. Up!" Kylie- is it real Kylie or will she turn into a monster? - said.

"Go back to sleep."

Her eyes shot open, her arms still trying to push away something.

She saw the cream walls and weird decorations that Kylie liked to collect. She saw graying hair and smelled the fruity smell of shampoo. She felt restraining- no, comforting and reassuring- arms around her, tightly embracing her. She felt one of her hands running through her hair and heard Kylie murmuring soft words.

This was Kylie. Kylie who was the aunt she always wanted. Who she could always confide in and who's cookies she loved. Kylie who took her in. Kylie who's comforting her.

Izzie let out a small sob and desperately hugged her back.

"It's alright. You're up. Nothing's here but me." Izzie really hoped that this won't be another nightmare inside nightmares. "Just breathe, in and out."

Right. In and out.

In and out. She relaxed, her breathing back to normal and exhausted.

"You're okay." Kylie said for the last time, staying with her until she fell back asleep. She had a dreamless night and she loved it.


Sorry that it's short, but I'm hoping that next chapter will be longer!

I wonder if I should tone down the nightmares?

Someone: Yes

No. :p.

How was your guys' day? Mine was boring as always, got a little higher score on a test.

Speaking of nightmares, just to lengthen this a bit, here's a short summary of one that my friends found hilarious.

I'm in a room, where a small girl that's as tall as my knee- I'm either 4ft 11 or, probably not, 5ft- is watching me.

I get glimpses, she has black hair and is skinny as a stick. And she gets closer every time I find her.

And when I catch her, something happens and we're instantly best friends for some reason. Would you guys befriend a small person that hides whenever you try to get a glance at them?

So we twirl- I twirl since I'm holding her in my hand-held and we're laughing and smiling widely at each other- I named her Maya.

Then, when I stop, she is gonna look up at me, I assume to kiss my cheek -I dunno, it's my dream logic- and then, guess what happens?

I'll give ya a minute.




Guess what??

Her. Neck. F*cking. Snaps.

What the hell?!?!

Like when you bend a doll's head, y'know.

And after I stared in horror, a green goo spills out and then she melts.

Then, I seem to decide it's a good idea to stICK MY FACE INTO THIS SUSPICIOUS GOO!

Geez, dream Me, what the flipping pancake were you thinking??

And that's the end, after I somehow absorb the goo and then barf it all out.

So, whataya think of my dream? Weird, cool, unnecessary? All three?

Heh. My friends burst out laughing at Maya snapping her neck. They even made art of it..


Well, my friend made a base and then my other friend stole it.

Thief 😐😓😅

I also made an art.

Maybe if anyone's interested, I can show it on the next chapter.


Ok, if you stuck around this long, whataya think?

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