48. Sharing

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Harry's finger tracing the perimeter of her face reeled her up from the depths of a dreamless sleep. Madelyn filled her lungs with a slow, expansive breath, her mouth lifting at the corners just as Harry's lips covered hers in a leisurely kiss. She hummed out a sigh.

"Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well?"

She cupped his scruffy cheek. "I did. The sleep of the wholly satisfied," her blush rose.

"Last night was something else," Harry drew her arm around his neck and slid his behind her shoulder. "Are you feeling okay about everything we did? It was new for you." He studied her eyes, feeling negligible apprehension, but needing to be certain she was comfortable nonetheless.

"I am so much more than okay, Harry. Everything felt so intense and intimate. I trust you more than anyone to push me over the edge, and to catch me when I fall."

She could spend forever lost in the forest-green of his stare. Any doubts she had in the beginning about their age difference had gotten lost along the path to falling in love. Madelyn knew other's may raise an eyebrow, but it was none of their business. The only people she needed to be concerned with were herself and Harry.

"I love you," she nipped his bottom lip, "and I love exploring with you."

"You make me so happy, Mads, happier than I've ever been," he brushed her nose back and forth with his. "Question?"

"Ask me anything, always."

"Would you ever want to, uhh... expand on what we explored last night?"

Madelyn clapped her hands over her eyes and giggled before peeking between her fingers. "You want that?"

"I want you in every way you're willing to share yourself with me." To emphasize the point, Harry pushed his growing arousal into her hip.

"Yes," she whispered, "I'll share that with you. You'll go slow?"

"When you're ready, I promise I'll go slow and be gentle in every way." he kissed her on the temple and rolled away. "I wish we could stay in bed all day, but we both have class, Professor."

Madelyn scooted out of the bed after him, following as he headed to the shower. Thank goodness they had started leaving clothes and personal items at each other's homes. Except shampoo. Harry never left any of his own shampoo or conditioner at her house, and she was fairly certain he was using the bottles she left at his apartment when she didn't sleepover. She smiled to herself at the thought.

"Can we still meet here after your last class and head up to your place? I have a surprise," he said excitedly as he tossed their towels over the bars to dry.

Madelyn halted before leaving the bathroom. "A surprise? What kind of surprise? Can I have it now? Am I going to like it?" she pressed.

"A good kind of surprise, and no, you may not have it now. It's being delivered to the house, and I'm pretty sure you're going to love it. But if you don't, that's alright, we will find the right one. Now go get dressed." He spun her naked body toward the bedroom, swatting her playfully on her lovely, round ass.

The second half of the day slogged by at the pace of a hundred-yard dash for snails. Thankfully, her sophomore class of "Marketing in Popular Culture," was enthusiastic. It was the only thing saving her from sticking a fork in her eye as the clock plodded slowly toward freedom. She closed her lecture five minutes early and wasted no time packing her things the minute the room's clock buzzed, signaling the end of class.

"Hey, good lookin', headed my way?" she called to Harry through the open window of the new-to-her Subaru. Her insurance had paid out the full value of her totaled Outback. Drawing out some savings, Madelyn replaced it with a three-year-old, navy blue, four-wheel-drive Forester.

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