Love Drought

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Synopsis: What happens when in the heat of the moment Erik says something he did't exactly mean? A house filled with 9 scorned wives. Here's how Angel responds.

It had been two days since Aly'sha dropped the bomb that Erik said he'd drop her and her sister wives if Shy wanted him to. "I'd drop them all like a bad habit" he had said to Shy. See, Shy was Erik's very first wife who had left for two weeks. She had needed a break from "The Household" and questioned if she wanted to stay a part of Erik's life. When she returned, Erik made it very clear, if Shy wanted her or any of the other sister wives gone, Erik would get rid of them.

It was as if her heart had shattered. She always chose to believe that he loved them all equally, but differently. That she had a special place in his heart and that their love was a true one, like something out of a fairy tale. It was like she looked at her entire life with him through rose colored glasses, glasses that were now cracked and broken.

"I was wondering where you were." Erik spoke with a small smile, leaning on the door frame watching Angel as she painted in her art room. She was a sight to behold when she was in her creative mode. "I wanted to talk to you for a second." he said as he entered the room. "Shoot." Angel spoke softly, putting her paintbrush down and turning in her seat. Erik grabbed a chair in the room and pulled it in front of Angel, taking a seat.

"I just want to thank you for being there for me the way you were when Shy was gone. I know I put a lot on you.... I know I wasn't easy......But whenever I needed you, you came. You were patient with me, understanding..... I just-"

"I get it Erik, you're thankful. I appreciate you telling me." Angel spoke, giving him small smile, the word expendable floating in her head. "What a fucking joke this is." Angel thought. Erik's eyebrows furrowed at Angel's attitude. It was subtle, but it was there. She had been strangely polite with him the past two days, interacting with him as if he were an associate, not her spouse. "I just wanted you to know I appreciated you." Erik spoke slowly, staring at Angel quizzically. "Thanks." Angel said, turning back around to continue her work. "Imma let you get back to your work then." Erik mumbled as he kissed Angel's cheek. Angel met him with silence. Erik watched her work, worry filling him instantly. Something told him shit was about to hit the fan again, but he didn't know when or why.

Later on, Angel went to her room and headed out to her balcony, wanting to look at the stars in the sky. She sighed as her thoughts ran wild. She was having a serious crisis, questioning if anything between herself and Erik was ever real. Did he love her, or did he just love the idea of her? Maybe he just loved the way she loved him, not herself. Her love for him must've been amazing for his ego, knowing he had someone that loved him as much as she. She was thinking of all that she'd done for him and all that she put up with. She thought of the patience she had always shown him, how she nurtured him and was kind to him. She thought of all she'd sacrificed for him, including the life of her own father. Shit, she even merged her father's company with his own, causing the net worth of Erik's company to skyrocket much further. She allowed him to posses her, own her. His name was tattooed on her heart and branded on her soul. Yet to him, she was expendable, replaceable. Simply an object in his home, easy to throw away. God, the lies she had told herself.

"I can't believe I believed everything we had would last, so young and naive..." she softly sang. She WAS naive. She came into this arrangement an inexperienced 24 year old who had been lied to by her father her whole life. Things had moved so quickly. She jumped into this head first without a second thought. Erik came into her life like a tornado and turned it upside down, sweeping her off her feet. He made her feel like the only girl in the world when they met. He was the perfect boyfriend, doing whatever he thought she'd wanted him to. He made her feel like the only one, even though she wasn't. His larger than life personality pulled her in and she allowed herself to lose herself in him. That was a big mistake. She should've given herself more time, then she could've seen things more clearly. She would've seen that he would never love her the way she she loved him. To him, she was expendable. Easily replaced. Meant to be used and thrown away. Shit, she wasn't even his favorite. On a list of 1 to ten, she was probably 20.

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