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February 9, 2029 12:03 am, Wakanda

"Dear Bast! Angel, you're crowning!" T'Challa screamed as kneeled between Angel's legs.

"What the hell do you mean I'm crowning?!?! I will not have my child on the floor of this damn council room!" Angel exclaimed as perspiration covered her face.

If anyone had told Angel that when she decided that she would spend her third trimester of her pregnancy with her daughter in Wakanda so she could give birth here, that she would suddenly go into full labor during an important council meeting she decided to attend, she would have never believed them. And yet....

"I am sorry, N'gelosi, but this baby is ready to come into the world right now." T'Challa told her.

"But Erik isn't here! I can't do this without him! Push her back in dammit!" Angel yelled hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

Just ten minutes ago she was absolutely fine. She was two weeks from her due date, her baby was only dilated 2 cm, and she was sure she wouldn't be giving birth until after Erik returned from the mission in Korea. A minute after T'Challa began the meeting, her water had broken, and five minutes after that.....

"You can & you must, N'gelosi. Your daughter is almost here and if you don't push, she will die. Now on the count of three, I need you to hold your thighs back with your hands, and push with all your might, okay?" T'Challa commanded.

Angel sniffed and nodded her head and with a deep breath, she spoke. "Okay..." she replied quietly.




Three Years Later:

Adelaide Victoria had a bounce in her step as she made her way to her the playroom of the house

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Adelaide Victoria had a bounce in her step as she made her way to her the playroom of the house. She was dressed colorfully in light green tights with a white shirt and green fairy wings attached to her small back. Her parents decided that she should be allowed to express her creativity, so they allowed her to dress as she pleased. She wore her curls wild and free as usual, and had a mischievous smile on her face. She was so busy dancing her way down the hall to a song playing in her head that didn't notice her father until she was bumping into his legs.

"Hey pretty girl, whatchu up?" Erik said with a smile on his face. He could admit that he prided himself in the fact that his youngest was a daddy's girl.

"Baba! Up, please!" She said with a bright smile, lifting her arms ups so she could be lifted into the arms of her favorite person in the world.

Erik lifted her up into his arms and spun her around before throwing her in the air and catching her. He laughed as she giggled at his playfulness, and kissed her as she puckered her lips for a kiss.

"Take me to the playroom, Baba!" She said, pointing to the elevator so they could go downstairs to the bottom level of the house where the playroom was located.

"I'll take you to the playroom when you tell me about what you did to Nanny Grace, Lai." Erik told her sternly.

It didn't typically take much for Erik to get Adelaide to confess when she did something wrong. Maybe it was because he was her favorite or maybe it was because she respected his authority but when Erik meant business, Adelaide listened.

"Sorry Baba." She said quickly with a pout, putting her head down.

In case you were wondering, Adelaide thought it would be fun to scare her nanny, so she got into Erik's tech toys, and when Nanny Grace least expected, she unleashed a very realistic hologram of "IT." The woman ended up passing out in fright which is how Adelaide managed to escape her bedroom in order to make her way to the playroom.

"And why are you sorry, Adelaide?" Erik asked her in all seriousness.

"For scaring Gracie, Baba."

"And why is scaring Nanny Grace wrong?"

"Cause it made her feel bad."

"If you knew that then why did you scare her, mnandi (sweetheart)?" Erik asked her.

"It seemed fun." Adelaide said simply, shrugging her shoulders.

"What am I going to do with you, Squirt?" Erik said with a laugh. "You're gonna go apologize to Nanny Grace & then I'm taking you to the lab with Shuri and I. If you can turn IT into a hologram at only three years old...."

"Are there toys there, Baba?" She asked as she looked at him quizzically.

"Lots of em, Squirt." Erik said before tapping her little nose.

Adelaide's Bedroom

Adelaide's Bedroom

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