Babies Turn One

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October 11, 2025 4:44 amErik could hardly contain his excitement he padded his way to his children's nursery

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October 11, 2025 4:44 am
Erik could hardly contain his excitement he padded his way to his children's nursery. They were officially one year olds, and just his father did before him, he wanted to wake them up on their special day. His arms were loaded with goodies for the twins, including little cupcakes with a candle in each for them to blow out. Dadmonger was in full effect...... but as he entered his children's room, he found it empty.

With a sigh, he left the room, knowing the only other place they could be was in their mother's room. Erik's eyes softened as he reached the area where her bed is position and saw his trio sleeping peacefully. Angel lay on her back in the middle of the bed as Nya & N'Jadaka lay on each side of her on their sides. They each laid their heads on her chest and clutched at her night gown. He bit his lip as he smiled brightly as his heart warmed.

"Aye G? Wake up, ma." Erik said as he placed all of his items on the nightstand by the bed.
He turned on the lamp that was placed on it, causing Angel to stir.

"Hey." She mumbled quietly. "Is it that time already?" She asked as she took notice of the cupcakes on the night stand.

"Mmm hmmm, lemme light their candles." Erik said before doing just that.

In the meantime, Angel woke the children up gently so she didn't scare them. She coaxed Nya up first by sitting her up and kissing her face before doing the same to Daka.

Once they were both fully awake with little fuss, Erik got in bed and sat Daka in his lap while holding one of the candle lit cupcakes in his free hand, of which he gave to Angel.

"Ready?" Erik asked Angel as he grabbed the other cupcake for Daka.

Angel nodded her head and with that the two began singing "Happy Birthday" Stevie Wonder style. Unfortunately half way through the song, Daka smashed the cupcake with his hands as a bright smile painted his face, shocking his parents. It should be noted that he did this as the candle on the cupcake was still lit.

After a brief moment of shock, Angel spoke. "We're just gonna pretend that didn't happen...."

"Nah, fuck that. My lil nigga's a g, like his pops." Erik interjected.

"Of course you'd be proud of this." Angel said with a laugh as she watched her som play with the icing from his cupcake.

"Well Yaya, guess you're the only one blowing out a candle this morning." She said shaking her head. "Blow mamas." Angel said puckering her lips and blowing as Nya watched her.

Nya giggled as she looked back and forth between her mother and her cupcake before finally attempting to blow her candle out. Of course she could muster up enough air to do so, so Angel helped her blow it out fully.

"Yaaaaay Yaya!!" Angel exclaimed at the giggling baby. Nya clapped before finally playing in her own cupcake just as her brother was currently occupying himself with.

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