Tried It

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Josephine looked at all the asks she was getting on her blog. Her and her sisters were making waves in the tumblr community, gaining plenty of supporters because of their alternative lifestyle, which was fine. What wasn't fine was the number of women asking to join the family. She had to tell her sisters about this one.

She decided to send a group text to the girls. "Come meet me in my room, ya'll gotta come see something." Soon there after, the wild woman's room was filled to the brim with all her sister wives. "Okay, don't take it seriously, but look at all theses messages I'm getting."

"I'm tryna be wife #14. I wanna be apart of this family! 😂"

"I wanna be wife number 12! 😩"

"I'll be wife #13!"

"Excusez-moi? Are dey dumb or are dey stupid?" Angel asked, her new orleans accent thickening greatly in annoyance. "What dey think dis is, a club?" she said, crossing her arms.

"Are they trying to die? Cause that can definitely be arranged." Henny said with her hand on her hip. Having ten other women to share her husband with was beautiful and more than enough. Their family was perfect just as it is. "They really have us fucked up." Aly'sha said with a quirk of her eyebrow.

"What gets me, is they think it's that easy. Our nigga is very choosey, that's why we all got him in the first place." Bastion said nonchalantly, checking her nails.

"I'm sayin though! Besides, with as much personality as each of us have plus that loud mouthed nigga we're married to, ain't no room for another wife in this house." Ryley said.

"We are filled to capacity." Charlie said. "You can say that shit again." Kimora said.

"Ayye, what ya'll doin in here?" Erik asked, leaning on the door frame as he watched his girls with a smirk. "We're looking at all these crazy messages Poosy's been gettin, baby." Angel spoke, the girls nodding in response. "Lemme see that shit." Erik said as he held his hand out for Poosy to hand him her laptop.

"Oh, man I have at least 100 messages like that on mine." Erik said non nonchalantly. "100?!" the girls all yelled. "Aww hell nah!" Angel yelled, causing the girls to all vocalize their disapproval. "Is these bitches crazy? They must be crazy!" Homie said. Soon the room was filled with ranting women, each and every one of them feeling completely territorial over what was theirs, Erik. Erik silently backed out of the room, letting them have at it. They'd calm down eventually.

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