Moments II

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Synopsis: the second in a series of fics detailing some events leading up to, during, and after the events of Black Panther. Naturally things won't be the same as in the film. In this chapter, Erik makes his way to Wakanda and his life as well as the lives of his 4 wives change forever.

Erik watched the news in shock & rage. King T'Chaka had been killed in a bombing. Some son of a bitch had beat him to the punch, ending his childhood dream of killing his father's murderer, avenging him & his mother in the process. It had been nearly two decades since Erik had found his father's dead body in the living room of their small Oakland apartment. He could still smell the pungency of his father's fresh spilled blood whenever he thought of that night. He would never forget it.

T'Chaka and his lethal panther claws had set in motion a series of events that would change Erik's life for the worst. Events that included the deaths of both of his parents, and the end of any stability in Erik's life for years & years to come. The fact that Erik no longer had the chance of draining the murderer of life triggered & infuriated him. His thirst for sweet revenge growing exponentially greater.


"Have you lost ya fuckin mind?!" Angel spewed at Erik, molten anger rolling through her. Her accent always thickened when she was angry, tonight was no different. Angel & Erik looked at each other in pure rage. Their chests were heaving, their faces red, their eyes filled with unshed tears. Their argument had started when Erik had told her he had a mission in Busan, "To get Klaue," He had said. From there he'd give Klaue what's handed to him and make his way to Wakanda.

Ever since it had been announced that King T'Chaka had perished, Erik had become distant, irritable, short tempered, and erratic. He once had control over is demons, but they were ruling in all their glory now. Erik had lost all control of himself. The rage he had buried deep within himself was boiling over like hot lava, spewing every which way, destroying everything in it's path. All triggered by the death of a monarch. Angel felt like her husband was slipping through her fingers like sand and there was nothing she could do about it. She felt helpless.

"I thought you supported me in this?!" Erik yelled, his lips quivering in fury. He thought his wives supported his vision and understood where he was coming from, but the more he talked of setting the world ablaze and starting anew, the more his wives protested. He had been getting an earful from all of them & now Angel was on him too.

"Do I support chu finding ya father's homeland? Absolutely. Do I support chu being the leader ya brilliant ass was born to be? Sure. But if you think I support you going to that country, guns blazin on some bullshit-"

"BULLSHIT?" Erik said, his eyes set ablaze.

"Yes, bullshit! It's like ya insist on destroyin' yaself and taking the whole gahdamn world down wit chu! Ya wives be damned!" Angel said, poking Erik in the chest to drive her point home. Erik growled in response. "Do you have any idea how dangerous ya plans are? Do you understand what ca' happen to you, especially if you fail!? And what...." Angel blew air in frustration as she began shedding tears. Erik huffed at the sight.

"Do. you. have. ANY idea what it would do ta me if somethin happened to you? What it would do ta all of us? Are you really willin' to destroy us for some gahdamn revenge?! T'Chaka ain't here, so let's kill his fuckin son instead?!" She shrieked, turning away from him. She felt nauseous, drained, & powerless to do anything to stop the impending doom. Angel placed her hand on her forehead and took deep breathes, her body cringing when she felt Erik place his hands on her shoulders. Erik turned her around before he spoke with a sigh. Angel refused to look at him however, keeping her head down, her eyes trained on Erik's combat boots.

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