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Synopsis: In which Angel and Erik try something new.

They stood before each other completely naked in the comfort of Angel's grand suite. Her bed stood beside them as they faced each other in front of it. The lights were dim as the many candles that were aflame gave the room a soft, golden glow. The room was warm and toasty in temperature, making the atmosphere cozy. The incense burning smelled of warm vanilla. The soft sounds of Maxwell's angelic voice played in the background, setting the mood for romance. It was like a scene out of a movie. Angel stood in front of Erik with hair wild, curly, & free. Her face clean of makeup, her body bare of anything except the massage oil Erik used on her earlier. She was already glowing for him, and the night had barely began.

You see, tonight they'd be taking things slow. They'd bask in each other's presence, live in the present, & fully appreciate every touch and every moment. There would be no distractions, no Kompound drama, no crying babies. Just the two of them together, reminding themselves of their oneness, reconnecting.

People are not lying when they say having children changes everything. Angel, in particular, found that as a result of giving birth, she found herself disconnected. She felt a disconnect with her husband, with her body, & with her sexuality. She didn't understand why she no longer felt like her own, she just knew she felt like a shell of who she once was. She missed herself. So after a while, she talked to her best friend in the world, her husband, abiut her feelings. They talked for hours on end until Erik came up with a solution, tantra.

When asked how he came to that solution? "You know I read all kinds of shit, baby. Read about it a month ago." To which Angel replied, "Nerd!" Erik and Angel would schedule a night for the two of them, and they would deepen their connection with an even deeper level of intimacy.

"You ready, baby?" Erik asked his wife as she stared into his eyes, breathing deeply.

"I think so.... We just touch each other?" Angel asked for clarification.

Erik tilted his head. "From what I read, it's about taking things slow, savoring every moment. We can go the traditional route, where you straddle me as we sit on the bed, but with you saying you feel disconnected from your own body too...I think we should start off this way first, make it our own."

He watched as Angel took in his answer with the bite of her lips, causing him to bit his own. He could see the wheels turning in her head, wrapping her mind around this form if intimacy. He could tell she was nervous.

Erik gave her a soft grin, releasing his lip from his teeth. "You understand now?"

Angel locked eyes with him. "Yeah......." she said quietly before laughing. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm so nervous. It just feels like the first time."

"You good, Angelcakes." Erik said warmly.

Angel took a few more deep breaths before raising her hands and filling them with her husband's face. "I love you." She said quietly as her thumbs massaged his soft skin. She watched as Erik took a deep inhale as his eyes shut, his chest rising and falling as he exhaled.

"I love you more." Erik said, his voice dripping with raw passion. He opened his eyes again, allowing the love he had for her to shine through. Erik & Angel stared into each others eyes, letting the tension build as their desire for each other grew. They synchronized their breathing, inhaling and exhaling at a relaxed pace.

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