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It could be a room full of people, you still on my side
Look at how the whole world is searching, but I got mine
It's emotional, uncontrollable, all I think about is you

It has been 2 months

2 months of me telling myself that I'm ready for closure.

I texted Dylan last night saying that i need to talk to him. I needed to talk to him. I know it is for the best so we could all get on with our lives. My life with Jack and everyone.

Right now, I'm on my way to the café that Dylan and I used to go. That's the only place i thought of. Jack knows about my meet up with my ex, he's more nervous than i am.

I parked my car in front of the store, taking my wallet and keys with me. I can already see Dylan inside, typing away with his laptop. Same as always.

I breathed in and out, trying to relax myself. Once i calmed down, i got out of my car and walking inside the store.

The scent of brewed coffee hitting my nose, the warmth of the shop engulfing my body as i walk inside. Every step that I do towards the guy who i thought I'm finally gonna end up with is making my heart beat faster. I can almost hear my heart beating through my chest.

I stopped infront on the table where Dylan sat. He looked up at me, his hands resting on the keyboard of his laptop. He have dark circles around his eyes that looked like he hasn't had any sleep.

"hi.," i said waiting for him to speak. He just looked at me, not doing anything at all. I sat on the  chair across him, placing my wallet and phone on the table. I looked back at him and noticed that he has tears falling down his face.

"hey what's wrong?" i ask, reaching out to hold his hand. He shook his head, wiping his tears and looking back at me.

"im okay, its nothing. How are you? um, what did you want to talk about?" he asks, moving his laptop away from the table and placing it on the other chair. I sat up straight, placing my hands on my thighs.

"i just want to put everything behind us. I can see you're happy with Barbara and everytime we pass by each other, your aura would change. I dont want that. I want you to be happy." i said looking at him in the eyes. His stiffened body relaxes when i said all that. He looked at me, his eyes softening.

"i just thought that you're still mad at me, everytime i see you, i wanted to just walk towards you and say im sorry. I did love you Andy, i really did. But i know, whatever happens, you still have Jack in your heart. I saw it in your eyes whenever we're on the same place as him. Im sorry if i broke my promise. I'm just one of those guys, who came in your life and stupidly let you go." Dylan says looking at his hands that are resting on the table.

I smiled faintly, placing my hand on his. He looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"Dylan, its fine. I'm okay. I just want you to know that im letting you go. We might not have to ended up together but you've been an amazing boyfriend i had. Don't change Dylan. Barbara is a one lucky bitch." i said, Dylan chuckled at that last one.

"thank you, you too. Don't stop being a sweetheart. And know that I'll be here whenever you need a hand." Dylan says, i nodded my head, standing up to hug him. He pulled me in to embrace me.

After that talk, i felt like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. I feel free, i felt like everything went well. I got the closure that i want and everything is okay.

Dylan and I decided to stay as friends and I'm really happy about it.

I hope i get a day like this every day.


I came back in my house, holding bags of groceries with Jack behind me. After meeting up with Dylan, i went straight to the grocery store where Jack have been waiting. I already told him what happened and all he did was pull me in a hug and kissing my forehead.

"what do you want for dinner? I'll cook something tonight" i said, tying my blue hair in a bun. I started putting the groceries on their respective place when i felt Jack wrap his arms around my waist.

"lets go out tonight. I'll take you somewhere and its all on me." Jack says, kissing my neck. This boy will be the death of me with all his surprise kisses.

"really? Well then i will take that offer. What time?" i said while turning around to face him. His curls covering his eyes, i brushed it away from his face and cupped both his cheeks.

"be ready at 7 and wear something fancy." he said smiling. His lips brushing mine, teasing me. He finally attached his lips on mine and i felt my cheeks heat up.

"wait, before you leave, I want you to hear a song i wrote just recently." i said while pulling him to my studio. I let him sit on the couch, playing the song

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Wake up and smell the coffee
Is your cup half full or empty?
When we talk, you say it softly
But I love it when you're awfully quiet, quiet

I sat beside Jack, he wrapped his arms around me as we listened to the song.

You see a piece of paper
Could be a little greater
Show me what you could make her
You'll never know until you try it
You don't have to keep it quiet

"its chill, feels like hot chocolate and snow kind of season." Jack says. I nodded my head in agreement and cuddled with him.

And I know it makes you nervous
But I promise you, it's worth it
To show 'em everything you kept inside
Don't hide, don't hide
Too shy to say, but I hope you stay
Don't hide away
Come out and play

"i sent that to Finneas and he loved it. He said it felt like home when he heard it." i said remembering my foster parents. They always tell me to go out and explore, just like what the song is saying.

Look up, out of your window
See snow, won't let it in though
Leave home, feel the wind blow
'Cause it's colder here inside in silence
You don't have to keep it quiet

"you miss your parents dont you?" Jack says noticing my sad expression. I looked up at him, nuzzling my face on his chest.

"Everyday" i said softly. A tear falling down my face. Jack rubbed my back, comforting me.

Yeah, I know it makes you nervous
But I promise you, it's worth it
To show 'em everything you kept inside
Don't hide, don't hide
Too shy to say but I hope you stay
Don't hide away
Come out and play

"hey, i know its hard. But I'm sure they're watching over you. They're together now wherever they are. Don't worry, I'm here. Finneas is here. You won't be alone anymore" Jack says. He kissed my head and pulled me in a warm hug. I nodded my head as the song finished.

Jack's right. I have Finneas and him. I have Camila and Shawn. I have the boys. Chickee and Gabbie. I won't be alone anymore.

I have my family here. With me. And it will stay that way from now on.

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