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mingle wingle!

CHAPTER DEDICATED TO — -gabbitheworstseatmate !— if you don't watch brooklyn 99, what are you doing with your life? —

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CHAPTER DEDICATED TO — -gabbitheworstseatmate !
if you don't watch brooklyn 99, what are you doing with your life? —

"annie, you never know when you can find your soulmate! everywhere, anyone could be a they!" lauren exclaimed excitedly, shaking her brunette friend as they sat on annie's bed.

"did you search up what to say to a bi person?" annie grinned.

"i'm sorry, but, come on! school is racing up to us quickly, and you need a special person to help you calm down from the stress," lauren smiled as annie made a confused look, cocking her head, "i know you freak out during the school year. you freaked out when we had to do jumping jacks!"

"if i need a special person, and since you're giving me this advice, don't you have a special someone?" annie smirked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"i'm waiting," lauren trailed off, "don't change the subject!"

"where'd you get that 'when i knew' thing from?" lauren questioned.

"i got it from quora, and i think the person who wrote it was jayden barrels? something like that." annie hesitated.

"jayden bartels! you mean jayden bartels!" lauren jumped.

"what? why are you jumping?" annie asked.

"because i know her! i'm going to set you guys up." lauren spoke, grabbing her phone from her white hoodie's pocket and began typing.

"lauren, no-" annie got cut off by the sound of the "send" sound effect.

"a bit too late there." lauren chuckled.

"unsend it! unsend it! unsend it!" annie screeched, chasing lauren around the room.

"never!" lauren laughed in a sinister manner.

hayley heard her older sister screaming at the blonde, immediately barging in her room and asking lauren what was the fuss as they continued to run. with lauren responding, hayley joined in, helping lauren. even if she were a bit younger than annie, she knew about the lgbtq+ community, and respected it. she knew her sister were part, and was completely fine with it.

"aha! jayden replied!" lauren began, "she just said she texted your number, anns!"

"yay! yay! yay!" hayley yelled as annie put her hands over her face, sighing.

after so, annie grabbed her phone, and checked her texts.


"she's typing, she's typing! what do i say?" annie panicked.

"see what she says first, duh. rookie mistake." hayley scoffed in a joking manner.

hi! it's jayden, my friend lauren
told me about you <33

"what do i say now?" annie panicked for the second time.

"woah, she put a heart!" hayley stayed, emphasizing heart.

"introduce yourself." lauren claimed, smiling excitedly.

hi, i'm annie!! nice to meet you :)

it's nice to finally meet u too :)

"and that right there, ladies and gentlemen, is the beginning of a romance. now now annie, mingle wingle." hayley stated, sophisticatedly in a deep voice.

i still can't believe there's 3k more to get this to 100k

what were your favorite shows as a kid? —
my answer: literally anything in nickelodeon


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