Author's Note

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It's (finally?) here! The second book of Clouded Skies. Uploads will probably be unscheduled and may take some time. I've started writing this book when I'm in a Warriors cat mode, but recently I've been in a little more of a dragon and/or wolf-mood. Though I still love this series, and I really want to continue on to the far future, with a scene I've already created very vividly that will take place when Ravenpaw has his full medicine cat name.

Hopefully, I actually get there! 

EDIT: I'm currently near the end of the fourth book of this series, but I decided to rewrite the story and will no longer update for this storyline, but I will keep the books up to be read

(Outdated) Warriors: Clouded Skies #2 - FrostWhere stories live. Discover now