Chapter 3

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There goes the alarm, ringing on my bed, like somebody said it can't go any louder; and it took the challenge, ringing very loudly. I really want to throw it across the room but it's expensive, beautiful and my favorite from my pile of old phones. I just need to take a nice shower in my en-suite (is that how to use the word?) bathroom, basically it's quite large. Maybe I'll soak in the bath later; I eye the glorious bath tub situated a little further from the shower, directly opposite the sink and next to the toilet. This reminds me I need to wash my wolf later, maybe take a run while I'm at it; exercise a little. I don't want to lose my lean muscles (psht like I could lose them that quickly), but I really do need to go for a run, I'll go with the twins they're probably also itching to get out.

"Good morning birdie" Sylvie turned around as I entered the kitchen, giving me a warm smile.

"Good morning sunshine." I return the smile and observe what she's doing. She was making pancakes I suppose since there's batter so it can't be eggs. I just came before she started. I wonder where Vic is he's also usually up this early. It is 7am, or 7 and some minutes; the sun is shining, the birds are singing, Mother Nature is happy in her element. Just a beautiful day for my run, it's a sign; a sign from the universe that it's my day.

"Someone switch off the sun" I hear Tyler groaning as he strolls into the kitchen, probably following the smell of the pancakes now cooking and the bacon frying on the side.

"I smell food!" Squeals Tracy as she enters the kitchen right after Tyler. It's clear to see who the morning twin is.

"Good morning gorgeous, troll" I chuckle as they take seats next to me on the island.

"I know I'm always fabulous, just not right now okay?" Tyler tells me as he sits down.

"You know I like how you just assume that you're gorgeous. For your information I was talking to Cy" I lightly punch his arm.

"Thank you, you look adorable by the way" Tracy told me. I looked at her all confused, and then she pointed to my beanie, shirt and footwear. I'm wearing the grey beanie with rabbit ears, a carrot themed shirt and grey house slippers with the likeness to rabbit paws. The only things not rabbit themed are my gray shorts and phone. I get up and walk towards the entrance to the kitchen, and then I turn around strike a pose and strut back to my seat. The whole façade of a catwalk in tow, Tracy goes with it and pretends to be paparazzi, Sylvie turns around to place the bacon on the island and pretends to be emotional over what I'm wearing; "beautiful, it is the pinnacle of the fashion industry" she say, dabs away her fake tears then goes back to the pancakes. The only one not having fun with this yet is Tyler. So I strut up to him and ask him what he wants to know;

"Darling, you shall have your chance now" I say

"Huh?" he looks back (he's started waking up a little)

"Did you not want an interview with this young madam?"

"Oh yes! I did ma'am. Thank you very much" he says getting the gist of things.

"Yes, yes dear; please take my flattering side." I say the last part to Tracy as she moves around trying to get me in every angle.

"What is happening here?" we turn barely catching the last flick of a tail as Vic transforms into his human form, he's probably back from his morning run; which I need to tell the twins about.

"Breakfast" Sylvie answers as she turns to smile at him and wink at us.

I was heading out now with the twins; we already told Sylvie and Vic where we were headed. Cy and Ty also needed their wolves washed so we grabbed some soap and a brush; I was currently in charge of carrying it. We got to the river bank faster than I expected, the current wasn't that strong and it was so clean and clear. I changed back to my human form so I could clean up the twins first; their wolves are smaller than mine because of age. Also probably the fact they haven't fully matured yet; our wolves reach full maturity when you reach the age 18, then they stay that way (you also find a mate at this age, but I'm in no hurry to get mine. Mars on the other hand). We raced back to the house and it was barely midday; this leaves plenty of time for me to decorate the room. The fumes won't last long from painting and lacquering either (it's a new formula that was developed; no smell, it's called).

"Wazzat?" Ty asks as he walks in with a drink.

"Probably the decoration Ty" Cy interjects before I can give a reply. She hands me a drink similar to hers and Ty's.

"Did Sylvie make this?" I ask after taking a sip.

"No mom's out, dad actually made that" Cy says sipping her drink.

"Well it's delicious!"

"Oh by the way mom went out for some business and dad is leaving soon-"

"Meaning that you're stuck with me" I conclude from what she says.

"Unfortunately" Ty smirks as he lays down in my bed putting his empty glass on my night stand.

"Well kids get your overalls or any old clothes; we're going to paint" I smile as I take up my paint brush. I have some paint on my denim shorts and grey tank top. Not to mention all the paint splattered on my biceps and forearms. I'll need a serious shower after this, and that soak in the bath that I was thinking about.

*****much later; dinner time*****

"So what have you kids been up to today?" Vic asked as he passed the broccoli to Cy. They started to explain how we painted in my room, and the mini construction projects that I'd done with some wood. Interrupting each other to explain all the fun details, praising my creativity (not to toot my own horn but toot toot), then the little training we had after cleaning up. After which Sylvie came back and I went to take the bath I'd been looking forward to all day.

"Tomorrow you have school; so do you wanna ride with momma bear or go with Jay bird?" the first part was to us all but the end was pointed to the twins. They probably wouldn't want Sylvie to come along; she's very prone to embarrassing them. Not a joke; whenever she was involved with them going to school it usually ended up with both their friends knowing some awkward thing about them. I bust a lung last time I was over Cy and Ty were telling me about what had happened on their first day of primary school. It gets better; the first day for each and every grade. When Sylvie was around their friends were able to collect such good blackmail information.

"No!" They both said a little too quickly. Vic was chuckling as he worked on his food. He knew what had happened; on more than one occasion had the twins begged him to be the one to take them, but he couldn't as his work began way too early in the morning. I feel for them, then Sylvie just pauses getting the baby carrots and looks at them both puzzled;

"What?" she asks as she sets down the carrots.

"What we mean is-" starts Cy

"We'd like to go with-" then Ty interrupts her sentence

"Jay, since you know-" she tries to explain

"The school better and can-" and he tries to support her

"Give us a tour around rather-" she continues trying to support their decision

"Than us being lost once-" and he gets the gist of where she's headed

"You leave mom." They say this part together.

That was one of those weird moments when twins finish each other's sentences; or incomplete sentences in this case. This mainly occurs when they're distressed; in this case being embarrassed in a new school. It is not optimal to have people (you don't know yet) have blackmail worthy information on you. With that it was agreed; I'm going to school with the twins. Ah, school; a wonderful knowledge devouring place for young minds to grow. It's one of my favorite places. I'm not a nerd (although that's not a bad thing); I'm more of a geek. (A/N: Nerd; someone who knows a lot about a particular subject (understands its underlying principles and the subject as a whole) and actively practices it, Geek; someone who knows something about a particular subject (but doesn't fully understand it and all its underlying principles) and does not necessarily practice the subject.)

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