Chapter 15

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That was weird, I felt like I knew that place; I think it was the same place as in my dream. Although there was no pit and the ground was covered in fresh grass, the tree bark felt new and looked the slightest bit charred. From what I could tell if it had happened, as in the same thing that had happened in my dream; then it has been years, but that's not possible I bet there are many places that I could think are from the dream. I got to see Elle that's a plus to this visit, now I'm heading home; Sylvie and Vic would be meeting the rogues, the twins would be at their friends houses for the weekend and me, I'll be alone in the house. Nope, I'm not having that so I head over to Mars' house. It has been a while since I've been here, like half a year since February now it's August; this won't be weird at all.

"Jay dear," Mrs. Feather holds me in a tight embrace "my condolences are still with you."

"Thank you."

"Mine too," Mr. Feather also folds me up in an embrace "but you're strong." He let's go and squeezes my shoulder.

"Thank you, I'm fine." I smile at them "Really, how would Mars survive without me" then I laugh as I see Mars coming down the stairs.

"Damn right I wouldn't." he says standing next to me.

"Mars take care of Jay we're going out." Mrs. Feather says while Mr. Feather jingles his keys.

"Sure will mom," he grabs me in a headlock and messes my hair up "very good care." I mouth help as the Feather's open the door to leave. I get out of the headlock then swing Mars over smashing his back onto the floor, he breathes out sharply.

"Dude did you have to do that?" He tries to get up and I catch him as he stumbles.

"Nah but where's the fun on going easy on you?"

"That is going to leave a mark," he says finally getting a grip on himself "so what are we going to do now?"

"I have something to show you." I give him a sinister smile heading for the back door.

"Just don't kill me yet," he says then turns around looking for something "I need to write a will first."

"Don't be so dramatic Mars." I roll my eyes as he grabs a kitchen paper towel to write on.

"Patty you need to bring the guys over," Mars turns to look at me "right now, everyone." He made it sound like it was such a big emergency, the end of the world even; I look at his smug smile and just roll my eyes at him, drama students... After a while everyone arrives in the woods in their wolf forms then they switch back and stand in the position that Mars and I had planned and practiced earlier on.

"Where's Jay?" Mars asked Patricia looking around at the gathered people.

"Well Jay wasn't picking up so I figured you called already." She answered. That's when I did it; I shot out the feathers of the bloody glass state to surround everyone. I hear them all scream and Mars just chuckles as he walks a little distance away from the group with Patricia in tow on his hand. I swoop down grab Patricia's and Mars' forearms, as I hoist them up in the air Patricia screams louder; the rest of the gang just stares up at my finally visible form in bewilderment. I laugh loudly in delight and swoop down to drop Patricia on the ground then soar higher with Mars in my arms bridal style.

"Ready?" Mars thinks to me.

"Yup," I think back then drop him "are you?"

"Clearly." He says and laughs as he falls down. When he gets dangerously close to everyone I quickly swoop down to catch him; he wraps his hands around my neck and kicks his legs out in glee. I land on the ground in the middle of everyone, drop Mars then turn my wings back into the bloody glass state to get back the feathers I had initially shot out.

After answering everyone's questions which were all like Tracy's were, we sat in Mars' kitchen snacking on the various snacks he had taken out for us. We played some games but when Holy finally snapped at Monopoly we decided to go play outside under the beautiful night sky, so here we are at a large open area all lying down staring up at the stars. It's so peaceful, quiet, serene...

"So have you asked her to join us yet?" Mars asks me.

"Who?" Patricia asks

"It's the girl Jay is secretly stalking." Mars replies to Patricia then turning to smirk at me.

"Well clearly you're stalking me," I put on a thoughtful expression "perhaps you want her?"

"No," he takes a moment to think "maybe. I don't know but you're after Elle."

"Who's this Elle person?" Rudy asks Mars

"And this mystery girl," Wilson asks "who is she?"

"Elle is Jay's new crushie wushie" Mars says while pinching my cheeks.

"And I guess mystery girl is yours?" Jamey adds in while Holy nods along playing with his hair.

"Yes definitely and her name is Glory." I yell unclamping Mars' hand from my mouth.

"Well you should invite them both over," Patricia nods as if she was asked permission "it could be fun."

Everyone has already left now and only Mars and I sit outside on the grass staring at the stars. It's still quiet with only some cricket noises in the distance, at a time like this you'd whish the wind would run through your hair making you look hot but it was off playing with the trees leaves.

"Jay," Mars asks, I reply with a grunt for him to continue "I know I haven't and shouldn't ask this now but..."

"But?" I ask him after a while when he stays quiet.

"Are you okay?" He asks me moving closer to me to hold my hand.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I'm slightly confused with what he's asking me.

"I mean with everything that has happened." I turn to him and smile.

"Of course I'm fine." I know why he's asking me this now, tomorrow is visiting day and he's worried I'll break down again. I know I won't it'll hurt but I think I'm ready.

"Jay don't lie to me," he's now holding me in a hug cocoon "I'm coming with you tomorrow."

"Thanks Mars," I nudge my head deeper into his chest trying to curl up into him. I'm glad he's coming with me, I asked everyone if I could go alone tomorrow then they'd go the next day which is Sunday; I don't think I can actually go by myself anymore. After I get my dose of warmth I unroll myself from Mars then we head inside to sleep. I already have my toothbrush, some showering stuff, and I'd borrow Mars' PJ's which he usually didn't even wear. After preparing myself I head off to bed, although the Feather's have like 4 guestrooms I still preferred sleeping in Mars' room; we've been doing that since we were like 2 so we're quite comfortable with each other's presences.

I wake up the next day, brush my teeth, change into some other clothes and have breakfast with the Feather's. I head back home after agreeing Mars can come in the next hour or so; I take this time to realize that I honestly should leave some of my wing appropriate clothes at Mars' house. I cannot just keep tearing through my shirts to show him my wings; I only have so many shirts to waste. When I get back I hear noises in the downstairs so I head down there to see who it is. Turns out its Vic just doing some training, we trade a few words he offers to spar with me but I politely decline. He then realizes what day it is and tells me to hurry off to get ready and to have a safe trip, I tell him I'm going with Mars and he agrees that it's the best option and then he assures me he'll be right here when I come back if I need him. I also find out that Sylvie has some early training to teach and sent her love with me; it is nice how caring they are to me that's why I love them. I get ready and head out with Mars.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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