Chapter 6

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Oh my, I'm instantly entranced by their face. The way their eyelashes brush their cheeks; is it even possible to have such long eyelashes. Their lips; so plush and full, their nose twitched in the cutest way as they tried to get their breathing in control. They finally start to settle down and control their chortling to chuckling, I reach out to help them up; as we make contact I can feel the silky smoothness of their hand. Their fingers are thin, long and elegant; belonging to those of a princess. "Thanks" that voice is so sweet, melodious even. I smirk and reluctantly let go of their hand, I already miss the contact which is highly weird since I usually dislike physical contact directly on my skin. I swear I'm not a germophobe or whatever their called; I just dislike the thought of someone touching my skin. I can bear with it if I know the person, and also if I don't know the person but it bothers me.

"You're welcome. Did you enjoy my dancing?" I'm so hopeful to hear a yes.

"You call that dancing? More like moving for the sake of it" If I didn't hear the playfulness in their tone I would genuinely be offended.

"And what do you call dancing, Princess?" Oh my, just oh my; my day is getting better as I watch their cheeks get tinged in the darkest of reds. Is this what you'd call blushing loudly? The way their almond eyes were set, big, round, they seemed to pop out of the face but weren't protruding from their face. I could actually now see that they were an almost dark honey but was more of a deep gold, they were melted golden rays, circling an eclipse a black hole you may call it, into a new universe; the whole universe was circled in a faint ring of russet(faintly looking like red). The way they widened at the mention of the name Princess, I'm going to get lost in them.

"Are you here to see your partner?" What a quick subject change, guess no objections on the name princess, but let me try it out one more time.

"Yeah, are you here for the same purpose as me Princess?" wait...wait...

"Yup, but I don't know who my partner is since I'm new here" no objection it seems. I notice now that I'm way taller we're not the same; just like with my omegas although that height difference was noticeable and this one was so much more. I turn to the list to look for my name, there it is and who's this Elle person? I'll ask Mars later for now let me try to help my Princess (okay not my Princess but I'd like to think so).

"Who's your partner?" Now that I think about it I haven't asked for a name yet. They don't tell me who, instead I see their body move closer to the board and reach up with their pointer finger. Higher, higher and then it stops.

"Who's Jay?" Oh my god, you just keep brightening my day; thank you so much I don't know what I've done to deserve this angel, but thank you so much.

"Before I help you find your partner, hi Elle I'm Jay" I stick out my hand; mainly because I want to feel that silky skin again. Do they use moisturizer? A lotion maybe? I'm tempted to lift the hand and smell it. Light bulb! I'll kiss their hand, I bring it up to my lips and kiss it; It smells like lavender. I'll just keep this smell in memory and look for it.

"Your Jay?" their hand is drawn back and clutched, I don't think they liked it; or maybe it's just shyness, I can hear it in their voice. It wasn't a feminine high pitched voice, neither was it a masculine deep voice, it was a perfect balance. I like it; it's not like those annoying bimbos and not as deep as some of the annoying jocks who look down on everyone (not all of them looked down on everyone, just a few who I'd like to pummel but can't).

"That I am Princess, would you like to come to my house to begin brainstorming?" way to take the wheel here Jay, don't be nervous; then my hand betrays me and brushes the back of my neck. My bangs are getting kind of long, the middle is also getting longer, the sides are still quite short, and the back is a little long as well; my prior hairstyle was designed in a way to look like a Mohawk without the sides being shaven as much, just enough.

"Sure, let me call my mom; she's the one picking me up today." Dear god, lord up above; thank you, I'll be blessed with this presence in the house. Wait is my room clean? How messy can it be right?

"Right class just because this class doesn't have a solid marking criterion doesn't mean you disrespect it." Says the art teacher, Mr. Jarvis this year it's a man wonderful. Also I would never want to disrespect art; it's one of my favorite subjects. The one which I try to put as much effort in because it's done with talent, which I think I have.

"So since this is our first lesson you can make a simple piece that represents you. I'll expect it in 6 weeks and I'll be here if you need me; this is just for me to understand who I'm working with. No stress okay?" He sure does do a lot of hand movements; I bet they're just itching to get in some action, art action. He also seems nice enough; I think I'll like him. Maybe I should paint; it is my forte more so than drawing and oil pastels, but I'll still need to sketch if I want to paint. This is the last lesson, so after this I'll meet the twins at my car; after I get Elle from the music room. I wonder which instrument- a wolf, a feathered wolf with their paw on a melting watch. Their fur will be white, each strand in the feather will be outlined, around their neck will be a gold chain attaching to the watch, which will be like a pocket watch that's also gold, it won't have a shadow, the wolfs eyes will be colored like a universe, with twinkling stars and swirling gases forming new ones, the back ground will be a fine red with a single crow really far behind the wolf but still visible. I'm having a sensory overload to my mind and eyes; this Idea is gold. It's completely what I want to do; let me sketch it.

"Jay?" A voice softly whispers behind me, I wouldn't have heard it had it not been the feeling of their presence beside the door and my enhanced hearing. I need to stop; how long have I been here? It's past class time. I check my watch; it's been 20 minutes. That's good I thought I stayed for hours with how deep I was in my mind.

"Yes Princess Elle?" I turn to face Elle as I pack my bag quickly, the twins could get annoyed with me; but Mars would have told them that I'm in art and they'd understand. I grab the car keys from my side pocket and start briskly walking to the entrance. I grab Elle's waist and walk off, Mr. Jarvis would probably come back to lock the room later. I like the way Elle rolled off my tongue, speaking of which I let go of Elle's waist after walking for a few minutes. We're nearing the entrance; I can see the twins by my car, there's smoke coming out of their ears. Conclusion? I'm dead. 

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