Chapter 13

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It's been a week and my partner still hasn't come to school, well Elle got sick on around a Tuesday and today is Friday of the next week so I'd say it's been more than a week. It's okay, it's okay, this project isn't due till like the end of this semester and we clearly have a lot of time left to hand it in so there's no need to worry. I've been hanging out with Glory in the library after lunch since last week and it has been comforting to be around her, once or twice I caught her right after lunch and we would want together to the library; also Mars has been pestering me to ask her to have lunch with us and I'm actually thinking of doing it. Now that I consider it I don't think I've seen Glory at lunch, maybe she eats outside or something, or probably me not noticing since I'm too busy loving my food. I'll ask her to sit with us next week maybe even get Elle to sit with us too, that would be a total score.

"Nice timing Jay," Ty walks next to me as I head for the car, after school.

"Thank you," I check my watch "not a second too late."

"Yeah right," Cy scoffs siding up to my left "it was dumb luck."

"You take that back," I gasp in mock horror "are you calling my meticulous planning phony?"

"How could you Cy?" Ty backs me up sporting his own look of horror.

"I'm definitely calling you bluff," she rolls her eyes at us taking faster steps "kids."

"Did you just call us kids?"

"No I don't think so Ty we probably didn't hear her correctly."

"Children will you hurry up?" With that Ty and I took off after her.

"Come on Jay stop mopping around everywhere," Sylvie was telling me while I rested my head on the table. I'm still thinking about Elle and I've realized that I don't have any form of contact.

"Is this still about Elle?" Sylvie asks taking out some pies, I just nod and drop my head back on the table.

"Tried calling?" She asks placing the pies out to cool.

"Can't," I just say.

"Don't have the guts?"

"Don't have the digits,"

"Oh," She puts in some more pies to bake in the oven.

"What are all these pies for?"

"I'm taking some as a peace offering to the rogues," she says this like it's the most obvious thing.


"It was your idea," she turns and looks at me after shutting the oven door.

"To take them pies?"

"'Then shouldn't you personally go and try to talk to their leader' is what you said, remember?" Now I do, this was also like a week ago.

"I did say that but why the pies?"

"Well as I said peace offering,"

"But why so many?"

"There could be a lot of them..."

"Uh huh, you're sure it's not just because you wanted to bake?"

"You know what? Why don't you take these 2 pies to Elle?"


"As a get well soon gift," she just gives me a duh look before going to look for some pie boxes.

"You're sure it's not because you want to get rid of me?"

"That is an upside to this," she smiles sweetly before handing me the 2 boxes.

"What are these by the way?"

"Apple and Peach pie," she waves me off. I hope now that I can remember where the manor is- who am I kidding off course I remember where it is; I've tried so hard not to forget it after going there once in the dark. It's not too far away I still remember it Mariquil Manor it was called, really spacious I should bet.

I'm here now right at the gate where I've stopped besides the guard sort of shack again. Since it wasn't that late today I could practically see inside the shack thing, it had a screen somewhere lower that reflected onto the glass. I open my window to call out for anyone who was here then hear loud footsteps, in comes a burly man clad in what I'll believe is his uniform. He looks at me through the glass then unlatches something to slide it over.

"Name," hello to you too.

"Good afternoon I'm Jay; I dropped off Elle last week and just came to see her."

"Are you expected?"

"No, I came for a surprise visit I was told tha-"

"One moment," he then proceeds to shut the window then tap away furiously at the light screen so then I wait patiently. After a few minutes of me waiting he opens the window then smiles at me, did he just smile? At me?

"Please come in," he presses something again and the gate slides open. I'm in!

I was right; it is quite spacious and large. Almost as large as my house but this is slightly small considering our estate also included the forest. I park my car in a place I assume is the right one since I'm seeing a nice sleek motorcycle parked in the same space. I get out with the pies then reach the front door, as I'm about to ring the doorbell it opens revealing the girl who came for Elle during our home Ec. class.

"Hello," I smile at her.

"Hi," she gives me a once over then opens the door wider, "welcome inside."

"Thank you," I tell her taking careful steps into the building "I'm here to see-"

"Let me help you with those," she carefully lifts them from my arms "are these pies?"


"Well let me take them to the kitchen," she turns to go but as if remembering something turns back and tells me "Gerald will be with you shortly."

"Who's Gerald?" I ask at her retreating figure.

"I am good sir," I almost jump out of my skin when I hear the voice then see whose it is as they enter from another doorway or hallway.

"Hello, you did give me a fright." I say trying to calm my erratic heart.

"I thought you could sense me for sure," he chuckles. I don't think I heard him correctly, just as I was about to ask him to repeat himself he turned to the stairs and started calling Elle's name.

"I'm coming!" I hear the reply from some room somewhere up there.

"Hurry down Princess there's a friend here to see you," Gerald says

"Gerald you know how much I hate that name..." I see Elle's form emerge. Well ouch, and I feel stupid now; I thought the nickname was cute, endearing even but if Elle hates it so much I think I'll just stick with Elle.

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