Chapter 9

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If they weren't wearing a hat I would be able to fully see their face, but I couldn't tell who it was although I do have my hunch from their smell. I mumble out an apology then continue to the food; I can hear my tummy grumbling, it needs food, fooooood. It's too bad that it's chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli and green beans; I really wanted cheese. The smell of the person I bumped into still floats into my nose, I know this smell I just can't put finger on this smell and it bothers me; so very much I need to know, agh!

"Heyo what's up lead?" Rudy waves at me, it's like I'm not going to sit here.

"Hello Rudy. Wilson, Luce, Patricia, Jamey, Holy, and Mars I've already seen" I nod to each of them in turn.

"So what have we missed?" Jamey asks now that the greetings were out of the way.

"Well in a month's time it's my birthday" Rudy begins saying, he twirls his hair around his finger; not that it's even that long he just hasn't cut it in a while.

"Our birthday Rudy," Wilson interjects before Rudy can continue; he pushes his glasses up his nose then turns to Luce.

"Yeah we'll be turning 18 soon and were hoping to find our mates," she pauses to sigh "I wonder who it'll be." She now has that starry eyed look in her eyes, I just roll my eyes and her brothers see fit to roll their eyes too.

"Yes we could, or we could not," Wilson pats her shoulder to bring her back from whatever galaxy she drifted off to "there is a possibility we'd find them much later." This just clears Luce's rose tinted glasses completely.

"And there's also a chance to get them sooner rather than later," Holy points out in her matter of fact way, she turns and smiles at Jamey. I'm so glad that I missed all the lovey dovey eye gouging romance between these 2, it's weird to see your 2 friends who were least likely to end up together well... end up together you know? At least their sort of suited for each other.

We continue to discuss the meeting I had initially planned out, I had already run it through with my Beta (Mars) and my Delta (Patricia), now to go through it with my 2 Gammas (Holy and Jamey) and 3 Omegas (The Triplets). Instead of having the meeting at the end of next week we decided to have it the week after the next, which seemed suitable to everyone as they adjusted to their new schedules. Now that I'm done with lunch I can go hang out in one of my favorite places, the library; it's so peaceful at a time like this because no one really comes here yet (there's no deadlines to meet). I know the librarians personally they're quite good people, not like those grouchy 'shh' librarians (excepting Mr. Elfman he is a grouch). I head off to the shelves to peruse and look for any new books I could read; I find myself in the mystery section where all the books are turned around in such a way you can't read their titles (this is one of those creative things the librarians think up). I just chuckle to myself as I reach out for this not too thick not to thin book; but as I pull it I feel a tug on the other end, then I see some slender fingers also holding the books spine. Hey, they're cheating; I let them take it so I can see their face through the gap.

These beautiful eyes stare at me (I think I have an eye fetish); they're bright russet (almost red) with flecks of gold everywhere, what the hell?! What are these heavenly eyes, I want to just dive in and dig out all that precious gold, I involuntarily sigh. I want to keep staring but the moment only lasts a jiffy before they blink and I see this shade of gold that I haven't known for long with the faint ring of russet (more like red) circling the whole treasure. I could even possibly believe what I saw prior was just a fantasy; I'm starting to doubt myself, honestly Jay what did you even see. So I blink furiously fast then smile at the face on the other side.

"Hello Princess," my voice sounds fruity "you come here often?"

"Hi Jay," Elle was like with a silvery voice "yes it's an amazing place to relax in"

"Really?" Is this a common interest I hear?

"Yup," Oh Elle's smile, it just makes me happy "I'm here with some friends though"

"Good for them," I want to meet them, like really very much; so I look around but don't see anyone.

"Not here silly," then my princess points a dainty finger to the upper section of the library "only seniors are allowed there right?"

"Yeah," this is when I remember what just happened with the book thing "by the way you were cheating."


"You picked out the book from the other side meaning you read the title," I try to turn to walk backwards so I can point at the book Elle is holding "so you cheated."

"As a matter of fact it's more mysterious if you do it how I did,"


"What I mean is there are books that are spine to spine right,"

"Uh huh,"

"So if you just reach to grab one then you won't even know what it looks like on the other side,"

"Uh huh,"

"Therefore more mysterious,"

"Okay, I get what you're saying," my eyes scan the book held in those elegant hands "that looks like a vampire book."

"Yeah, you can tell by the fangs on the cover,"

"I wonder if it has any gruesome scenes about the blood-suckers," I see Elle flinch a little, was it from the thought of gruesome scenes? I don't know. "Is that your friend?" We've already reached the upper-section reserved only for us seniors (and some juniors who need to be invited by us) and I can see a cute looking girl in a plain white tank top shivering holding her book.

"Hi," I tell her this then she looks up realizing she's no longer alone "I'm Jay; what's your name?" Instead of an immediate reply she pushes up her glasses that were sliding down her nose then squints her emerald orbs me.

"I'm Glory, nice to meet you although I already know who you are," she smiles after her squint session at trying to figure out who I am "and Elle I can't wear these anymore I need some new ones" she then proceeds to hand Elle the glasses she was wearing.

"Sure let me just grab a different pair." I sit next to Glory while Elle is rummaging in a bag I'll presume doesn't belong to Glory.

"This place is so freaking cold," Glory says trying to warm up her arms by brushing them "they should switch of the darn thing."

"You can have my jacket," I proceed to take it off and hand it to her; although she tries to resist I point to my shirt "It's thick and long sleeved, basically a sweater."

"Really?" She's still not sure she should accept it but I could see it in her eyes she really wanted it.

"Yeah, feel it," her hand slowly progresses to my stomach which she feels for the material, or is it only the material?

"You have a nice abdomen; I really wanted to touch it by the way" I like how honest she is this is really wow.

"It's fine"

"And I also felt the material not just your abs, thanks" she pulls on my jacket which is a bit too big on her. I see her basking in the heat it provides, considering how hot I am (yes both ways) the jacket is quite warm.

"I found a few pick one," Elle finally comes out of the bag with 3 boxes each a primary color.

"Which ones don't have a number?" Elle pushes forward the blue case which Glory takes and opens.

"Wait, why do you have so many glasses in your bag?" I point to Elle "And why are you wearing non prescribed glasses?" I point to Glory.

"Just because," they both say and shrug, Glory returning to her prior book now with new glasses and Elle starting that blood-suck—I mean Vampire book from the shelves. I had grabbed a book randomly and looked at it now; 'The Giver by Lois Lowry' fascinating, I can feel it in my bones that I'm going to like this book.

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