Chapter 4

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Its morning, it's too dark though. I turn to face my alarm and see the time; its 5am, a bit too early considering school starts 3 hours later. I'll get some exercise in, so I brush my teeth, wash my face, change in to training gear and grab my towel and bottle. Off to the downstairs gym (there's a gym under the house next to the storage area; it also doubles as a martial arts training area). As I head downstairs I hear some grunts of someone deep in training. Vic or Sylvie must be awake; it's Vic I see him as I walk in. He's exchanging (or serving) blows with the punching bag hanging in the corner. I stand there and watch his technique; he continues kicking the poor bag and then switching to punches rather rapidly. As he lands from a flying kick he sees me standing in the doorway. He smiles then picks up his towel to wipe the sweat shinning on his muscles.

"Hey Jay, did you come to train?" he's reached me and pats my shoulder.

"I couldn't sleep so I was like why not." I tell him smiling as I set my stuff down.

"Do you want to exchange blows with me? Just a little friendly for training" he offers me as he stretches his legs and waist.

"That would really help my technique, thanks."

We're at it on the thick mat, I try to land as many hits on him as well as parry his blows. He points out that when I swing a kick I don't twist my waist enough reducing my momentum; so he demonstrates the proper technique. I try it out and wow has my strength increased; I feel so powerful. When he's explaining my hand positioning and drive Sylvie walks in. The look in her eyes tells me that she's looking for a fight, maybe I'll make it 1,160 losses or 163 wins; we'll see. Update I lost, again; that aside she's currently fighting Vic and they're match is electric (get it? Cause its shocking). Their blows are on par, as they anticipate each other's moves, reading the slightest change in posture before it happens, at this rate Vic may win...and he's down. Eesh, he didn't see that overhead toss coming.

"Hah! 4,662 wins me and 1,666 wins you" Sylvie is moving around doing her victory dance, just a by the way she isn't a good dancer.

"I'll get you next time" Vic chuckles as she shuffles towards him. He pecks her cheek and heads upstairs to get ready for work.

"See Jay? Maybe you should learn to not be such a sore loser" she sticks her tongue out at me.

"The only thing I'm sore from is your dance" I rebuke

"Or maybe it's just the ass whooping you took" touché, Sylvie touché.

I'm getting dressed now and it's barely 7am. What to wear? I grab my black hooded tank, then I put it back; I pull out my ripped black skinny jeans, a grey tee with 2 black stripes, my necklace (I usually always wear it), my fedora and a pair of wayfarer sunglasses. I grabbed my bag and hooked my headphones around my neck then walked out of my room; the twins' rooms were opposite me so I saw them get out. Ty went for a casual look with his hair held in a ponytail, converse, red flannel and black skinnies as well as his bag on his back. Cy went for a floral sundress, aviator glasses, gladiator boot sandals and her hair pinned back with a flower pin in a cute style and her bag slung over one shoulder. We all headed for the stairs together;

"Good morning Jay" Ty said as he saw me

"Morning Ty" I smile at him and then fist bump him.

"Hey Jay" Cy says in a sing song way.

"Hello Cy" she hooks her arm around mine making me look like an escort.

"You two look good, ready for your first day?" I tell them then turn to see their reactions.

"Yeah, Mason, and Rick are going to be there I'm set" Ty tells me

"Fiona and Charlene will be there so I'm set too" Cy tells me. It's good that they'll at least have some familiar faces when they reach.

"Get your flipping feet of my dashboard boy" I swat at Ty's legs, he's been getting too comfortable for my liking; looking all cozy reading a book, with his feet on my dashboard.

"Mhm" is all I get as a mumbled reply, this boy needs some manners for cars man.

"Ty, get your feet of Jay's dashboard or we'll have to go back to coming to school with mom" she punctuated the end of her sentence by whacking a rolled pamphlet at the back of his head.

"Yo! Why'd you do that?" he turned to glare at his sister while rubbing the back of his head.

"Cause we're here!" Cy squealed in excitement as I parked my car.

I got out of the car to be attacked by a body; I almost go full martial on the attacker; until I realize that it's actually Mars. Mars got me wrapped up in a bear hug so tight I had to tap out, what's with people trying to choke me to death? After exchanging a few excited words we were surrounded by 6 pipsqueaks; you guessed it, it' the brats and their brattier friends. I had to lead them (with Mars of course) to their assembling room (each grade has them on the first day of school o they can be informed about their schedules and what classes they're in. It's also when they divide the grades into homerooms for registration). It's time I head for mine, still with Mars of course. Along the way we greeted everybody, smiled, gave out high 5's and fist bumps, made small talk and tried to calm down some kids who were freaking out. By the time we reached our room I could hear people whispering about the amazingly nice and sweet seniors they met (Mars and I), and how hot we were (which is a given of course; with bodies of such physique who wouldn't want us?). Just before the meeting started I decided I need to use the rest room, as I exited the room I bumped into someone. They were wearing a black oversized hoody, ripped blue skinnies and black converse. I couldn't see their face clearly as their bangs covered half their eyes, and their glasses blocking my view of their eyes. "Sorry" (it speaks) the person said as he or she walked into the room. It's a new student? Cool, but what isn't cool is how quickly I've gotten to the bathroom. Did I teleport? Nah, that's not possible for me. What just happened?

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