Chapter 8

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"Morning Birdie!" I find Sylvie in the kitchen baking, how can she this early in the morning? Sure I'd like a cupcake or 2 to start my day but when did she wake up to get time for this, it's like 7am. Then she hands me a cupcake.

"Morning Sylvie," this is going to be a great day, a cupcake first thing in the morning; how wonderful "thanks for the cupcake."

"You'll be getting 3 for a school snack," so caring and nice; wait, there must be a catch "I'll leave some for your after school snack as well. There's a small favor I need you to do me." There it is the catch; I pause from biting into my cupcake to direct my undivided attention to her.


"Vic and I'll be late tonight; like coming back at midnight or after late," there must be a council meeting or some likewise event thing for them to stay that long "and I need you to prepare dinner as well as put the twins to bed. I'll leave some in the fridge for you to reheat and eat; I'm going to prepare it now." I'm cool with this actually; it's no trouble and the twins are responsible enough.

"What's happening here?" Ty walks in swinging his bag onto his back, Where's Cy she's usually the first one here.

"Cupcakes!" There she is, today she's wearing a romper; very floral (I'm not shocked), gladiator boot sandals again but these were white, and her hair was free flowing behind her back. Ty on the other hand has decided to go for a dark blue hooded vest, very unlike his style; he's still wearing skinies but today they're blue with brown combat boots and his classic man bun; that's what he called it but it was a 'I had tied a bun at night and move a lot when I sleep so here's the mess on my head that I think looks fashionable' sort of bun. After breakfast we headed out to school, each of us armed with our cupcakes in bags. Sylvie told Cy and Ty about her and Vic being late tonight, then they both (the twins) looked at each other and smirked; oh no, this means trouble and a lot of it.

We arrived in the lot and I went to my spot, as we near it I see somebody standing there; her red hair was flying in the wind, the sun rays weaving their way through and shining in it making it look closer to a dark orange or red orange color than its fiery red color. I park the car and step out then I'm attacked by a bear hug.

"Hey Jay!" Patricia squeezes my arms after the hug she gave me. I notice something new about her, her hair, not the fact that it's still looks orange in the sun; it's the fact that she cut or trimmed her butt long hair to her shoulder. In a way maybe I can say she's tamed the flames? Pun completely intended.

"Hi Patty," the twins also greeted her as they alit the car; they also quickly receive rib-crushing bear hugs "how was your holiday?" they asked her. As I locked my car door she talked to Ty and Cy a bit before their friends came to pick them up. I turned to her and we exchanged a few more words before I had to head to math, I consulted her about the idea of having a meeting after a week of everyone settling in; she liked it. As I head to math I have my usual thoughts about it; I'd honestly really like to think math is my forte but I wouldn't know, sure I get good grades in it and I did math for fun but that doesn't make me good at it, right?

"I can read you like an open book," Mars surprises be by patting my back "is it the classic 'I'd like to think I'm good at math, but then again good grades don't make you good at a subject; although I do math in my head, am I really good at it?' look?" He's right, how can I be read so easily? Or is it because we've been friends for long?

"Stop looking so mortified dude, I've known you for a really long time now." This idiot I actually thought he read me so easily, I smack him upside of his head as he continues to laugh at my expense. We choose to sit closer to the front of the class, today the teacher will review the last few topics we did; and I know I've missed a very long time of school, literally a whole semester, but I've been updated. Being the good student I was I went to my Nana's house to study everything I missed (Aunt Sylvie and Uncle Vic's place would have been a distraction and my dad's family lived too far away). She also sort of lived on the outskirts of our outskirtish city, so no distraction except the attic filled with all those books and albums of moms. The next few lessons passed by quickly; all the same with reviews which I've already done, we had a break time after the first 3 lessons wherein I gave Mars a cupcake; he was ecstatic, he loved baked goods and sweet things generally.

It's almost time for lunch; I wonder what they're serving today; hopefully something cheesy. I'd really like some cheese for some weird reason, not that I particularly liked it but the stomach wants what it wants. I walk in and see my pack at our usual table; there are also some of our human friends there. I head to the line before meeting everyone; since if I sat down I'd not get up, I'm lazy like that. In the line I see a familiar shape; there she is in all her beautiful glory... I wonder where Ty is now, since Cy is here he must also need some hot lunch. Then I bump into someone, I almost knock their tray out of their hands but luckily I manage to steady it.

"Watch it!" That voice sounds familiar, where do I remember it from "That was my food you almost dropped, you don't want to get in my way when I'm hungry." I was shoved aside after catching a glimpse of their beautiful milk chocolate skin through the V-neck of their shirt, there's some dark curls of hair poking out of their hat; they refuse to be tamed by a wimpy little hat.

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