Chapter 14

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Elle's POV

"I'm coming!" I tell Gerald as I hurry out of my room.

"Hurry down Princess there's a friend here to see you," Maybe it's Glory here to give me some more notes, she doesn't fully understand what's going on with me but she's cool with it and says I need to rest. I do admit I do look slightly paler from my usual deep shade. I need to shut down Gerald before he gives Glory more nicknames.

"Gerald you know how much I hate that name..." I stop midsentence because it isn't Glory. It's Jay, as in the cute Jay, I mean my partner Jay, my Jay; oh no, it's the Jay that calls me Princess and I love it. Only from Jay's mouth does that name sound sweet, and here I've just said I hate the name.

"Hi Jay!" hope my words were not heard or just brushed aside.

"Hey Elle, I just came to visit because I thought you were sick and you're my partner and I wanted to say hi and..." it's so cute I can feel two heartbeats; one of Gerald leaving and one of Jay. While Gerald's was getting fainter as he did his disappearing act, Jay's just picked up in pace showing me the nervousness from this bumbling banter.

"Is this the one?" I can hear my sister's voice in our mind link.


"Good choice I approve"

"Shut up Meg,"

"Kid's got the hots for you clearly."

"Sure the 'kid's' got the hots for me," I just laugh at her in my mind.

"I'm telling you but ignore me, I've only ever had a few spouses."

"...So I brought some pie and I think your sister took them to the kitchen, I didn't know you had a sis-" I tune back into what Jay has been saying.

"Want to go to the garden?" I interrupt the word vomiting.

"Boy do I." Jay says cheerfully following me, I can feel a gentle calming on the prior heartbeat.

We're now in the garden, more like forest, at the back of the house. I walk towards the twin swing set hanging from the old sturdy tree. Now that I think about it I've never really had a proper conversation with Jay, other than that time with the dancing and discussing our project while this useless made jokes and witty remarks that I admit I liked.

"So, um how are you?" Jay asks sitting in the swing next to me.

"I've been better," at least I'm not the one starting the conversation "how have you been?"

"I'm good, bored without you," that smile; it could literally cure me from anything and everything.

"I've heard, Glory has told me how you and Max have been bothering her."

"No," cue the nervous chuckle and neck scratching "we haven't even bothered her."

"Sure you haven't," I'm trying to swing higher now; we're having a mini competition "who's this Max guy?"

"His name's Mars and he's my best friend and bet-" bet? What's that?


"He's my better half," ah that makes sense "though I feel like I'm the better guy in this friendship."

"Why'd you say that?"

"He's a... can I say 'people person'?"

"And what's so bad about that?"

"Well for starters he could hang out with the wrong crowd." The concern and sincerity laced in that statement is so cute.

"How long have you known him?"

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