Chapter 5

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"Mars who's the new kid?" I nudge Mars currently seated next to me in the meeting room.

"What new kid? There's plenty; or like nine I guess." I know that Captain Obvious; I can smell them.

"The one over there" I nod my head in the general direction of the stranger.

"I don't know that one Alpha." Just a by the way Mars is my beta; like part of my pack beta. The other members of my pack are a year younger than us in the school but the same age as us. So they're our juniors, and I haven't seen them yet; probably running late from oversleeping. Those lazy oafs, I think as I chuckle to myself. Since I already know the drill to these meetings; I'll listen after...37 minutes (I checked Mars' watch). So what am I going to do with my pack now that I'm no longer M.I.A? Well first we need to arrange training days, team bonding (parties and running, what we need is to hang out as friends and trust each other). Now that I think about it what's the point of a pack? To have a high rank? To compete (we have competitions among youth packs for rewards, it's like a sports competition but with packs I guess)? To feel a sense of belonging? It's probably all of these things and I honestly appreciate everyone in my pack; more than they probably know (except for Mars whose been my best friends since we could talk. Mars knows me how I don't know myself and I know Mars how Mars doesn't even know-"Jay, I think the new kid is watching us, or you mainly." I look in the direction of the kid I bumped into.

I can see the most beautiful eyes looking at me, so doe like and innocent. Dark honey with golden flecks, the way their dark eyelashes outline their eyes framing the masterpiece looking at me right now. Their nose, peppered with the faintest of dark spots which if it weren't for my enhanced eyesight I would have never noticed as they blend in to that lustrous brown of their skin. My eyes trail down to their beautiful full lips, they look so kissable- wait backtrack why am I having these weird thoughts right now? As I turn to look away I see the persons nose scrunch up in the cutest way, like a rabbit forming folds on their bridge; as they seem to concentrate on something... The new kid was looking at the posters behind me; I realize this after understanding that it was a look of concentration. Mars is just twirling a pencil, making it spin like one of those flowy skirts dancing girls wear. I need to get a name on the new kid, I'm interested.

So I have Advanced; Math, Physics, Chemistry and Art. Language Arts and I shut down the option of learning a second language, Economics, Geography (each humanities will probably have a mix of history in them) and Home Ec. (basically a free class). Of all these I share my math, sciences, economics and geography with Mars. The rest of the classes I was alone, well as alone as I can be with all my friends to keep me company (not much). For that I am glad, now I'll never be bored, or alone. Now I have to go for my first lesson; Language Arts. Off I go, down the yello-white brick road to class. Being the social butterfly I am; I've said hi to everyone I've seen, and I've noticed they've changed some staff members. Wonderful more new people! I need to stop smelling all these new smells (it's all the new stuff and new people, changes in their scents and the sorts).

They're here; I saw them enter the class as I was chatting with some of my friends. I've notice that they're awfully short, but that adds to how adorable they are. I can hear the way their converse slightly squeaks in the floor as they walk. Through the minimal rips I can see their beautiful brown skin; I want to actually feel it. Though that would be weird, I want to I zone back into what my friends are talking about; but all I heard was something about a project in Home Ec. and Language Arts I guess. My friends go to settle down in the nick of time as the teacher walks in. The lesson passes by quickly leaving us like a passing wind (I feel so poetic), as I start packing (the new reading book we got "Hello" by Biro Lantz, my note taking book and my pencil case) the teacher (Ms. Flora Boston (the irony?)) grabs our attention:

"Students as you all know this year we're having a semester project" I did not know this, or maybe it was that thing Benny was talking about (one of my friends).

"You will be expected to write and act out a 15 minute skit." She continued talking and smiling, oh no; I did not sign up for drama with the intention of not acting yet here we are...acting. I groan internally as I zone back in to what she's saying.

"...disturbed it's not that hard children, all you have to do is follow these steps; have a theme aligned to our motif of love, have stylistic devices in your script; which will be assessed as well, show proper body language while acting and I forgot to mention you'll be working in pairs." Wait what? Holdup and press rewind; did she just say partners? Not groups but pairs? I need to look for a drama student to be my partner, I cannot act.

"...and the best part is I'm making the pairings, so suit up" what did I miss? I need to get out of my mind.

"The pairings will be posted outside on my bulletin board by lunch time so feel free to swing by. Bye now." She got me dumbfounded, perplexed, baffled and at a loss; what if my partner was worse at acting than me? That would be saying a lot since my acting skills are nada, kaput, completely non-existent. Or like dark matter; exists but undetected.

"Dude you guys have the same project as us?" Mars whisper shouted at me as we took down notes in physics.

"Yeah, also I can't believe there are so many seniors to the extent of having 3 language art classes." I continue to write.

"Right? It's so weird! It's probably because of the students we got last year on the second semester; you weren't here." Look at Mars being all Sherlock-like, such a great detective.

"Okay, but for now..." I nod towards the teacher currently wiping out the notes and writing new ones.

Its lunch time now and I'm incredibly hungry, I set of to the line as Mars sets off to look for a table (Mars has a packed lunch while Jay here currently does not).

"Hi Jay!" I hear a familiar voice, whose is it? I know I heard this voice somewhere before, I turn to look around; in that instant I was hit by 3 bodies. I can tell by the smell now; it's my 3 omegas.

"Children, how have you been?" I like addressing them like that, it annoys them. Wilson, Luce and Rudy look up to me (they aren't that short but I'm still a head taller) and they pout; it's safe to say children was a suiting name for them, they are so child like. Also they were triplets, you couldn't even tell with how different they looked; Wilson had really light brown hair that could pass as really really dark blond hair, Luce on the other hand had a hair full of fresh hay, so light and translucent, and lastly there was Rudy who had a head full of the darkest night, it was all pitch black.

After having lunch with my pack and friends I decided to go check out the announcement on the bulletin board. Mars went to hookup with some human (probably the new significant other); the triplets had to go to the office for coming so late, I haven't seen my delta or my 2 gamma wolves. I'll have to call a team meeting at some point of time, maybe next week when everyone has settled back into the school life from the 2 month break. What is this wonderful song, the beats are just wow; so I start dancing, there's no one to see me in the halls there's still like 35 minutes left to the end of lunch. I shuffle backwards all the way to what I assume is the bulletin board. My eyes are closed and as I do my final spin and Michael Jackson classic crotch grab I open my eyes. Laying down having a seizure? Is someone with an oversized hoody and blue jeans. I take off my headphones and hear their guffaws. "Enjoyed the show?" I ask smirking; this is until the person rolls over and I see their milk chocolate face, the hood falls off and I see their lush brown hair held up in a messy up-do. Oh my god, it's the new kid.

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