Chapter 12

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Waking up this morning isn't the best of feelings, it's Wednesday; dad and I would joke that it's Wing-day today while mom would say it's Wolf-day. I had the weirdest dream, I can't shake it off as I'm getting dressed; it was so lucid, to an extent I think I actually had an out of body experience to whatever place it was. Today I decide to go for simple black sweats and a loose tie-die shirt (that Cy had made for me), I go for the tie-die shoes (which Ty had attempted to make for me); today I'm all about peace and love XD. I'm wearing my necklace and I reminisce back to the dream; in it there was a silhouette of a little kid in the woods, but that wasn't the weird part. The weird part was what was happening in front of me; there was some sort of fire and I could make out pieces of burnt skirts and what I assume to be dresses. They were all frilly and mainly the colors pink and lavender, they were burning in a little dug up pit in a small clearing surrounded by a dense concentration of trees; I could feel the wind as it tussled the leaves and the heat coming from the fire in waves. Then I looked down at the kid sitting a little distance away, I walked up to it and tried to concentrate on seeing it clearer; all I saw after a while was these many white vines running all over their arms and legs. I tried to talk to the kid but realized it's only a dream, so I sat down next to the kid but I become conscious of the fact that I was sitting on something sharp and metallic; I looked down to see the scissors. Besides them were pieces of white hair and they started turning darker, that's when I looked at the kid again and saw the vine-like things disappearing and although I couldn't make out the face I saw tears.

"Birdie," Sylvie greeted me as I got downstairs "I see you're testing out new fashion?" she was trying to say it as a statement but it came out as a question. Guess I am; time to get out of my non-existent comfort zone.

"Good morning Sylvie," I grab a plate "I see you've set us a feast this fine morning." I scanned the crunchy toast, crispy bacon, sizzling sausages, variation of eggs (scrambled, sunny side up, and omelet), and the overflowing pancakes she was still making.

"There are also waffles over there," she nods to the far end of the counter "will you be a dear and get them?"

"Mom are you having guests over?" Ty asks as he walks in.

"Most probable answer we can't finish all this," Cy also enters heading straight to the fridge for her morning OJ.

"Yup some of the council members are coming to discuss what we should do about the onslaught of rogues at our outskirts,"

"Really? Are they being violent?" I ask her as I reach over Cy to get some apple juice for myself.

"Well no," Sylvie replies as she flips what I'll assume is the last pancake "but we're wary of any future advances."

"Then shouldn't you personally go and try to talk to their leader?" Here's the juice, now to look for a glass.

"That's not half bad an idea," Sylvie flicks me with a dish towel "might even help us avoid some major conflict"

"Say hi to grandma for us" we wave goodbye after breakfast and we head to school leaving Sylvie with the preparation for her important guests, the council members are all mainly old and wise with a few younger members like Sylvie. Our grandmother is also a council member, she's not as major as the head but important in her own way; this morning meeting was only among a few members since they'd probably be having another meeting later. For now I head to the car with the twins so we're not late for school, not that we would be with how smooth my baby sails. During the car trip I'm graced with the company of the twins as they strike up a conversation about dying the tips of their hair; I don't know about them but I think one color isn't enough. Although I try to keep my mind occupied with these thoughts my head still drifts off to the dream I had at night; I can't help feeling that it's related to that voice I heard at night.

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