The Last 'click' I would Hear

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     "Maybe this will get the message through to you, waste of space " They left me there, I couldn't move. There was no point, I stayed there for the rest of the day. Hiding in the bathroom every once and awhile. When the last bell rang I finally left, looking forward to the last breath I would take. Getting into my seemingly empty car, I drove home with a dull face soaked with tears. I raced home as I did to school in the morning, all I could think was razor. It took over my mind as if I was being hypnotized. I finally got home, stepping out of my car with ease. I turned around to see someone pull up in my driveway. I just hoped it wasn't someone I knew, but I saw them turn their car off. Great... wait I don't recognize that car. Someone started to get out of their car, it was Levi?
    "Why are you here?" I said with an annoyed tone. Trying to ignore his answer he asked
    "A-are you okay?" He asked, I didn't answer but asked another question. I stopped in my tracks, turning my head towards him but not my full attention.
    "Why the hell did you follow me home? And why do you care?"
    "Because I saw your arm today at school, but if you're going to a bitch then I wont bother" He started to head back and I turned away, silent tears soaking in. I rub my arms trying to cope with the thought of no tomorrow, I was tired of pain. I was tired of fighting, I was tired of the fear. I put my key in shaking more than ever, it turned and I heard the last  click I was going to hear as it opened. I slammed the door behind me, locking it. The only thing in my mind was My razor... I NEED MY RAZOR. Again my mind being taken over by sharp thoughts. I went upstairs and went through my cupboards, finally finding it. I pricked my finger, dark red soaking back in finally. I take it and head to my bed, lying down then hearing a bang on my door. Why now? Wiping the tears off my face I go downstairs to open the door, I open it. Fucking Levi

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