One More Hug?

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"I love you to." We sat there for awhile and watched TV, before we knew it it was dark outside. I closed my eyes and fell asleep by accident.

*****Levi's POV*****

Her calm state made me happy, I carefully picked her up and brought her to her bed. I came back down and turned off all the lights, as I was going upstairs I heard a knock at the door. I checked my watch Who the hell is going to be knocking at this time? I went to the door and opened it.

"Eren? What the hell are you doing at this hour?" I stared at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I came to see y/n. I wanted to talk to her. The real question is, why are you inside of her house?"

"We're together... Also she is asleep right now. You could come back to-"

"Eren?" Y/n called. "Its been a while." She smiled and I became a bit jealous.

"Asleep... right." He rolled his big envyus eyes, he seems so innocent until you get to know him. Eren brushed past me and came inside, a fire lit in my chest as i closed the door. That damn kid shouldn't be in here! I turned around to see y/n in his embrace, I bit my lip from saying anything.

"I missed you." She said, she let go of him and looked into his eyes. "How have you been?" She showed him the couch and he sat down. She sat down next to him as I went to the kitchen to make tea.

"I have been alright. I just wanted to check in on you, I heard what had happened." Eren replied. He looked back at me with an empty stare, but his eyes showed a malicious plan. "Would you like to go on a walk tomorrow? We could go to that park around the corner. I think it would be nice for us to have a bit of a catch up. Y/n looked at me with a trusting look, as if to insure me.

"That sounds nice." He said. "You should go back, its almost 12. I will see you tomorrow Eren." Eren stood out and spread his arms.

"One more hug?" He asked smiling. Y/n smiled back and hugged him, I watched closely. *Every hug you give her I how many punches a will land if you're not careful.* I thought. Rage built up inside of me and I headed for the stairs. Eren went to the door and waved to me. I showed a small wave back and walked up the stairs, I can't stand that fucking asshole. I soon heard the door shut downstairs and I felt a wave of relief crash over me. Finally he's gone. I went into her bedroom and flopped on the bed, her soft footsteps came up the stairs and entered the room.

"Hey." She smiled, her smile always makes me feel so warm and happy.

"Hey babe." I smiled back and blushed a little, unlike me but I didn't care when i was around her. She came into the bed with and and looked at me, with a bit of concern.

"Are you okay?" She murmured. "You seem... Angry.." She mumbled.

"I-Im fine... Its just Eren and i have a bad history.." Saying his name put a foul taste in my mouth. "But if you to are good friends that fine." I lied.

"Are you sure? What happened?" She asked. I didn't want to tell her, she would be concerned.

"We just didn't like each other for a long time, I guess that still carries over to now. I'll get over it." I turned around, away from her, trying to hide my lie. Yup,I'll just get over the fact he stole my girlfriend and all my friends back then. I heard a sigh leave her lips as she turned off the light and nuzzled the back of my neck.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you to." I replied softly. That's what she said before he took her to, hopefully y/n means it. 

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