Whatever Brat

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"Yeah i'm fine" I lied, I was wishing he never saw me. That he never saved me. That he never even knew of my existence.

" You're a bad liar brat"

"Why do you care for me so much?"

"I don't want a death pinned on me"

"Then why didn't you just leave me. No one would have known."

"Someone would have found out. Now stop pestering me already"

"You are the one who asked, don't blame random shit on me"

"Whatever brat" Something about him made my heart beat faster. Remember just stupid drugs. I fell asleep until I could see the sun no more and I saw my phone's familiar light. I had multiple messages from the same number. "Hey whats up brat" "Where are you brat?" "Hey answer me Y/N!"

"Okay geez Levi, i'm fine! I just fell asleep at the hospital. I'm getting out of here tomorrow thank god" He started to delete his past messages, I didn't ask. I knew why he didn't want to seem weak or something, that made me smile.

"Maybe sleeping a little too deep then, next time I text you answer"

"No need to be rude! You come across as an asshole!"

"I don't need approval from you"

"Well you don't need my existence either"

"Really? You're going to pull that shit?"

"It's the truth, don't wear it out!"

"Don't start y/n"

"Fine I'll leave you to it"

"No I don't want you to go. I have nothing else to do"

"Okay fine... what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to ask you something.."



"Just say it"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go somewhere with me.."

"Sure, why not"


"Well you saved me from dying. I minus well be worth your time. Where would we go?"

"To the mall, I need to get some stuff and we can go for a walk afterwards. Sound good?"

"Yup, oh I got to go. I'll talk to you later?"

"Sure, bye y/n"

"Bye Levi" I didn't really need to leave, but I had to process what was going on. How does he know my name? Did he ask to take me somewhere? Do I like him? I think I do, but why? Does he like me? I have so many questions. I guess they will have to be answered later, back to sleep. I was tired, but too many questions kept me up. Until my eyelids stopped fighting the endless battle.

I awoke to nurses surrounding me, they were taking off straps and undoing knots. 

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