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"I... I love you" My eyes widened and tears soaked in. He... Loves me? I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked into his melted eyes once more before he picked my head up and kissed me. I kissed back softly, his lips were so soft. We both pulled back, this was as far as we were going. I hugged him, he was so warm. I have never seen this sweet side of him, he has always been cold. Why did he choose me to open up to? What's so special about me?

"Why do you... like me?"

"I don't know... I guess you are you unique y/n"

"Thank you, it's the same for you" I saw a light pink form on his cheeks. When he was sweet he was so lovely. I loved this side of him, and im glad im the one to see it. I hugged him once again, he was so special to me. I have never felt this way about anybody before, why do I?

I kissed him again, I wish I never had to leave him. He kissed back, he was getting rough this isn't what I wanted. "L-levi... " He pulled away with soaked ashes in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I should just leave"

"No! Please stay for the night. I need you Just not tonight okay?' I faintly smiled.

"Okay" He looked down. I got up and started to walk upstairs to bed, I realized he didn't follow and I grabbed his hand pulling him with me.

"You are not sleeping on the couch" I laughed. He just chuckled and followed me. When we got upstairs i sat down and patted an empty spot next to me. He sat down and I looked into his eyes. I layed down looking at the ceiling and notice the shifting of him laying down to. I turned my lamp off, making the room dark. I couldn't see, but i could feel him nuzzle into the back of my neck. He's so warm. I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around me, he made me feel safe. "Good night y/n"

"Good night Levi" I closed my eyes after those words left my lips. Strange images stuck in my head, before the sunrise lit up my dreams and woke me up.

                    *******Sorry this one is really short, I went blank on this chapter******

I Let You DownOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz