Part 1

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Sonya's POV

I looked down at the positive pregnancy test with hate running through my veins. Hate for the filthy scumbag of a father it had. However, I had broken up with him after I found out that he was married, had kids, and landed himself in jail. I threw the test in the trash before walking into my bedroom and flopping on my bed.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to my phone blowing up with notifications. Unlocking my phone, I see that the Dolan twins had uploaded a video. Without thinking, I tapped on the notification.

"What's up guys? We're back!" their voices rang through my headphones.

"So, Grayson and I have been talking," Ethan said, letting me know that this was going to be a serious video.

"And we decided that we are going to take next month off," Grayson said.

"While we are taking this break, we ask that you guys do not come to our house," Ethan said.

"But like we said, we're taking next month off," Grayson said.

"Until next time, peace!" the twins said in unison before their outro played.

They're taking a month off YouTube? I wonder if they're okay. Thoughts like these filled my head until I felt like I was going to be sick.


One Month Later

Grayson's POV

It was the first day of the month E and I were taking off. Ethan and I were going on a walk and were stopped by a fan. Suddenly, there was a whole group of fans surrounding us. It was at that time when a small hand grabbed hold of my wrist and tugged me and E out of that situation. The person ran until we all were in an alleyway. The person let go of my and Ethan's wrists and I finally got a look at them.

The person who had pulled me and Ethan away, was a girl. She had red hair up in a ponytail, emerald green eyes, and didn't look much older than me. One of her hands was over her heart while the other was over her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded as she took her backpack off. I watched as she pulled three bottles of water. After handing one to me and one to Ethan, she opened hers and took small sips.

"What's your name?" Ethan asked after taking a drink of water.

"Sonya," she said, still sounding out of breath.

"I'm Grayson and this is Ethan," I said, pointing at myself then E.

"Nice to meet you two," Sonya said, taking deep breaths.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, suddenly worrying about her.

"I'm fine," Sonya said. "I'm just in no condition to be running."

"Why?" Ethan asked.

That's when Sonya fell to her knees and threw up. And that's when it all clicked into place. Hand over her stomach and in no condition to run? Is she...?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Ethan start freaking out and saw Sonya fall onto the pavement. Without a second thought, I scooped Sonya up into my arms bridal style.

"Gray," Ethan said, "you do realize she just vomited, right?"

"I don't care." I looked down at Sonya's peaceful face. "Pick up her bag, we're taking her to our house," I said.

My Savior (Grayson Dolan) ✅Where stories live. Discover now