Chapter 2: Turtles?!

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*Your POV*

'Ow my head' I opened my eyes and see a dark room surrounding me with no light.

'Huh? I don't remember being in here when I saw a house- wait house!? Dark room?! OMG have I've been kidnapped!' My mind screamed. I was about to get up but something around my wrists kept me from escaping. And I was laying on a bed.

'What the fuck is going on!?'

"Who ever the fuck you did come out and let me go. I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Well, well, well; what do we have here. It seems sleeping beauty is awake~." Some deep voice says from the shadows.

I flinched at his deep husky accent; not to mention very *cough cough sexy cough cough*.

I shook the thoughts out of my head,
"Listen whoever you are let me go this instant.!"

"Heh heh, I don't think so sweetheart. Since you trespass our turf; me and my brothers decided to keep you and become our maid.~" he said.

"Hell no! I won't be your maid to you and your brothers and you can go suck a dick!"

" Well that's too bad because." He said as he step out of the shadows only me seeing four mutant, green alien people wearing street punk clothes;
(Picture above not my art work)
what are they!? WTF!? I backed away, but the wall from behind me blocked my path. But the blue bandana mutant got on the bed where I was sitting right and his brothers just stand there crossing there arms having  the same emotionless face across them  as they watch the action from the older brother who is now crawling towards me right in front of my face as our lips inches apart to be kissed.

Just when I was having some second thoughts I felt a cold sharp object across my right cheek and you guest it a blue survivor knife about to cut my cheek.

"If you don't become our maid me and my brothers are gonna make you wish you were never born like we did to the rest. So, be a maid or rot like the rest. Choose wisely sweetheart.~" The blue bandana masked mutant said.

"FINE! I'll be a maid for you all. Just please let me go."

"Good choice. Ghost release her and show her to her room where she is staying." He said moving away and putting the knife back at his pockets and walks away along with the two brothers leaving me with the purple bandana mask; 'Ghost' That I'm guess was his name. Walked up to me and undid the chains that was around my wrists. Finally free at last, just when I was about to walk to the exit Ghost grabs my hand firmly, which it hurt and lead me to a room.

 Finally free at last, just when I was about to walk to the exit Ghost grabs my hand firmly, which it hurt and lead me to a room

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(You can change the room if you like)

'Wow, the room is beautiful.' as soon as I was about to say thank you to Ghost he slammed the door without a word nor 'goodnight'. I sighed thinking 'This would be difficult to day for me with to deal with the alien people or frogs I don't know I never asked them. Oh well maybe tomorrow.'  I went to bed and feel asleep dreaming that this was all real.

*End of POV*

To be continued....

Fifty Shades of Green (Street Punks x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now