Chapter 7: A day with M.C. 🧡🐢

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(Your choker you'll be wearing for today)

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(Your choker you'll be wearing for today)

(Your choker you'll be wearing for today)

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(Pick a different clothing choice)



The morning had rise, (Y/N) was already awake and dressed for today to be with M.C.

[Knock knock knock]

(Y/N): Whose there?

M.C.: It's me M.C.

(Y/N): Come in I'm already dressed.

M.C. opens the door, his face was on the other direction not looking at
(Y/N), one arm holding an orange chocker out for her.

(Y/N): [Takes and puts on chocker] M.C. why are you looking at the other direction. You know I already changed minutes ago?

M.C.: [Still not looking at (Y/N)] ......I don't want to.

(Y/N): [Walks over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder] Please M.C. show me or tell me what's wrong.


(Y/N): Please.

M.C.: Fine, Since you said 'please'.

M.C. turns around slowly showing his face leaving (Y/N) worried and shocked at the sight.

 turns around slowly showing his face leaving (Y/N) worried and shocked at the sight

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(Y/N): M.C. why is there a bruise on your face? Nevermind, first we need to get you an icepack for that.

M.C. doesn't say anything. He walks up to (Y/N), grabs her hand and drags her to his room.



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M.C.: [Pushes (Y/N) into his room and locks the door] Sit on the bed.

(Y/N): Wtf, is he going to rape me!

M.C.: If your thinking that I'm trying to get into your pants, no. I'm not Swift dudette.

(Y/N): Thank God, [Sits on M.C.'s bed] So, when did you get the bruise?

M.C.: It happened yesterday when you went to bed.


As (Y/N) ran towards her room and locks her door Ghost grabs M.C. and drags him to his room and pushes him to the wall and glares at him.

Ghost: On your knees.

M.C.: Ghost- [Gets slapped in the face by Ghost].

Ghost: I said ON. YOUR. KNEES.

M.C.: [kneels] N-Not again, Ghost please spare me for once. I only received brutal punches from you over the past years when I got caught sneaking in your room. But when Swift or Rebel get caught they receive slaps in the face and less punches.

Ghost: They are less troubled, unlike you whose always the trouble some failure, you brat.

M.C.: You know I have to watch over (Y/N) tommorow and I don't want her to witness the bruises and make her worried and suspicious.

Ghost: Tsk, I'll go easy on you just this once. [Slaps M.C.'s face]. And I'll continue doing this until I think you had enough.

*One hour later*

M.C's face was full red from all the slaps he received from Ghost.

Ghost: [Punches M.C.'s face].

M.C.: What the hell?! I thought you said to go easy on me!!!

Ghost: So, that human would know what would happen if they come across my room next time. I won't hesitate to kill the human. Now, get out of my sight pathetic failure before I start to end you.

*End of flashback*

M.C.: ......

(Y/N): Dang, so your saying Ghost is abusive to you and your brothers since you were kids.

M.C.: No. We use to be different back then.

(Y/N): Wait what? I thought your personalities were like that since you were children when I met you four?

M.C.: Wrong. It all changed when she left.

(Y/N): Who are you talking about this person that I don't know any shit about. Who is she?

M.C.:....Our...... sensei.

(Y/N): What?!

To be continued...

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