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M.C.: (Y/N)

(Y/N): *Turns head away* I listen to music and I'm in love with Swift.

M.C.: *Glares at the floor* Swift...


M.C.: SWIFT!!! *Runs after Swift with a bat* Leave (Y/N) alone!



*Rebel and Swift sitting on a couch*

Swift: I don't know what to say to her.

Rebel: *Pats Swift's shoulder* I'll help.


Rebel: *Wearing a wig* Hey Swift~.

Swift: *Looks at Rebel* You really let yourself get ugly tho.

Rebel: *Tackles and chokes Swift*

Swift: *Trying to get Rebel off* Damn (Y/N) your so strong!


*M.C. sitting on a couch playing video games*

M.C.: My legs fell asleep I can't feel them.

Ghost: *Looks at M.C. from the couch while working on his gun* ... *Throws hunting knife on one of M.C.'s leg*


M.C.:AHHHHHH! *Looks at Ghost* Why would you do that?!

Ghost: *Glares* You lied. *Goes back to fixing his gun*


*Swift and M.C. fighting*

(Y/N): *Enters the room and sees Swift and M.C. fighting* Hey stop! Brothers don't fight.

*Swift and M.C. look at (Y/N)*

M.C.: But there's only one cookie.

(Y/N): *Looks at the plate with one cookie*


(Y/N): *Beats up Swift and M.C.*


R/N: Hey Ash, do you have a box cutter?

Ash: *Takes out sword* I only got this.

R/N: Do you know how to use that thing?

Ash: *Swings sword* It's easy.


Ash: My bad. *Finishes burying the body*


*(Y/N) and Ash walking together at the sidewalk talking about favorite anime*

(Y/N) and Ash: *Looks up ahead of the sidewalk*

*Creepy clown standing there*

*(Y/N) and Ash look at each other and nod*

(Y/N): You thinking what I'm think.

Ash: Say no more.

*They look at the clown taking out their weapons*


Ash: Rest in pieces.*Throws a black rose at the dead clown*

(Y/N): Let's go.


(Just some vines that I found and changed the lines a bit.

I hate school....)

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