047 ⇾ group chats

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WhatsApp Group Chat

Metal Arm
chris, you there?

Mechanical Bird
yeah, bud
you there?

Tony Stank
i still feel my heart die a little whenever this group chat pops up on my notification panel 'cause it's either a series of spam messages or it's something urgent
and both of these tend to elevate my heart beat

Tiny Art
rdj this is serious

Tony Stank
you're never one for serious topics
otherwise you wouldn't have gone blabbing to the entire universe that our boy evans has a crush on naomi

Maximoff #1
oh my god paul
why in bloody hell did you do that

Tiny Ant
well technically it didn't occur to me that it would be this bad 'cause naomi seems to feel the same way too

Black Widow
even if naomi does feel the same way about chris, it's just gonna be awkward for them now
it's no wonder neither of them have posted on their social medias all week

Mechanical Bird
i'm actually surprised i wasn't the one who slipped up this time

Maximoff #2
mackie, i don't think now's the time for jokes

come on, evans
i see ya lurking

damn you, renner

Tony Stank
there you are, man
how are things in georgia?

things are great, thanks for asking

Metal Arm
that's basically him saying that it's not great btw ^
you gotta really understand chris' choice of words sometimes

Tiny Ant
i'm really sorry, chris
i didn't think i was going to make things awkward for you guys.

it's alright, paul
i guess this would have come out sooner or later 'cause according to you guys, i'm not exactly subtle with the looks i give her

Mechanical Bird
you really aren't subtle at all

Tony Stank
yeah, you with your lovey dovey eyes

Maximoff #2
are you and naomi on speaking terms?

surprisingly, yeah
but i can tell that she's trying her best to not make things awkward between us
so i'm a 100% sure she saw what jen and paul wrote

Maximoff #1
listen, chris
i've been friends with naomi for quite a while now and i think it's safe to say that she likes you, too, but whether or not she'd be willing to make the move, i'm not too sure

so does this mean that i'll never have the chance to date naomi

Tony Stank
son, please go upstairs and finish your homework

if she's still talking to you then i guess she should be handling it quite well

i'm not so sure
she's not the easiest person to read, if i'm being honest.
she could just be doing this so that we can get through filming easily and without any hiccups along the way
she's always been one to avoid conflicts

Maximoff #1
i agree with evans ^
naomi always avoids conflicts
she hates them and she can usually see them coming from a mile away

Metal Arm
just give her a little more time, alright?
then maybe ask her out for lunch or something

Mechanical Bird
won't that be like a sure indicator to her that chris is smitten with her?

i'm not smitten with her

Black Widow
your eyes tell us otherwise

Maximoff #2
maybe go for lunch as a group?
i mean, you guys have others on set, right?

Tony Stank
that's a good idea ^

i'll consider it
i don't wanna make her uncomfortable
and i mean, we just started getting close

Tiny Ant
i'm really sorry, chris.

stop apologizing, paul.
i know you didn't mean any harm but please don't publicly announce these kinds of things on the internet anymore.

. . . . . .

WhatsApp Group Chat 'The Golden Girls' with Brie, Ems and Jen

nay, are you still mad?

jen, i don't think now's the right time for this

jen, nay has every right to be mad
even till today still because it was wrong to go blabbing that kind of secret to the public

i know
i know it was wrong, i realize that now.
it's just that
i just want naomi to be happy and i feel like she could be extremely happy with chris.
unlike xavier.

jen, please don't bring up xavier. you know how naomi feels about it.

i know. i do know. all i'm saying is that i just want to see my friend happy for once.
everyone who isn't that close to her would think that she's a freaking happy-go-lucky girl but really, we all know she isn't. i know it's a harsh truth but frankly, i just want to see naomi happy. and i'm sure we all do.

i'm not mad at you, jen. i'm mad at myself.

nay, what's going on?

yeah, we can feel it through our phone screens. what's wrong?

oh, god. naomi, please tell us what's wrong.

ben confessed to me over text last night and i didn't know what to say.
i feel like shit for leaving him on read but i just, i still don't know what to say.
i don't want to lose him but i don't know what to do either.

a/n; the next chapter might tug at your heart strings ('cause it sorta tugged at mine whilst writing it)

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