A/N: funny story XD

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Heyo so heres a funny story:

So if you dont know the whole ice bucket challenge is going around and i was thinking hmmm who should i try to get to nominate me?

And then it hit me!!!! Braden barrie! He is super sweet and he would maybe nominate me.. Right soo

I messaged my friend beth and asked her if she could help me out and then i said as a joke spam him! But since she is da best she literally spammed him, came up with a hashtag, used the hashtag so much it pretty much made twitter think it was worldwide like HOLY SHIT!

If he does nominates me of course im gonna do it! So if you want to see it if he nominates me it will be on my instagram and twitter

Twitter: @autumnlynnhemi

Instagram: latenitecookies

So yeah! XD shout out to beth for being so rad! XP

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