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Yoongi cried as he ran into his room and slammed the door shut, he went straight to his closest and pulled out a box that was labeled "My idiots," it was filled with photos of him, Jimin, and Taehyung. He looked at every one of them, hoping it would make him happier but it didn't, it made him angrier.

The more he looked at them the more he felt angry at Jimin for doing this, the more he felt angry at the fact that Taehyung was there and knew Yoongi was there and didn't stop Jimin. That's what made him angry, he put the photos back in the box and threw the box to a random corner in his room. Not caring about the fact that a few pictures spilled out and onto the floor.

He then grabbed another box that didn't have a label on it but he knew more than too well what it held. He opened it to reveal multiple pictures of he and Hoseok from age four to age fourteen. Ten years of being together and he just threw it away like that? Fuck him.

Fuck Jung Hoseok.

He closed the box and through it into the trash can of his room. He didn't want those memories, not anymore, he felt like his throat was going to burn when he let out a scream in all the pain he was feeling. He just wanted it to stop.

He wanted all of this to stop.

Hoseok sighed as he took his antidepressant pills and laid in his bed, wondering what the fuck pills were supposed to do in order to fix his depression, to fix the pain he felt whenever he thought about Yoongi. Pills couldn't fix that. Nothing could.

He just finished getting his hair dyed black, and he already felt like a whole new person. Some people complemented him, telling him he should be so much more confident now because he looks great. But he didn't care, he just wanted to speak to Yoongi again but the older told him to let go.

He didn't know what to do anymore, this whole time he's been trying to push Yoongi away and get him back to just to push him away again and then once again try to get him back.

Why couldn't he just confess?

Why couldn't he just tell him the day after they had sex that he loved him and he wanted to be with him forever? Why did he lie to Dawon about how he felt and why did he make Yoongi seem crazy in front of his ex-girlfriend?

It was all so simple and he blew it. His one and only chance at finding love. "Fuck." Hoseok cursed as he turned on his side, he ate more than usual today, which resulted in Dawon telling him that maybe the pills are working and maybe he's just gotten hungrier over the past few days. Either way. His depression isn't going away.

Not now at least.


"Yoongi! Yoongi, what's wrong!" Chaerin yelled as she ran into his room, she came running when she heard a thump and a loud scream come from upstairs, and since no one else was home except for her and Yoongi, she ran as fast as her legs could take her.

"Just fucking kill me!" Yoongi yelled, his eyes screwed shut and his body shaking as he cried, Chaerin stopped in her tracks to look at her younger brother. She shook her head and pulled him into a hug on her lap. "What happened? What's wrong?"

She knew something was wrong with Yoongi for a few days now, but she thought it was just an argument with a friend and she had brushed it off, but now. She's feels so wrong for not asking him if anything was wrong. She couldn't help but feel bad.

"I can't-" Yoongi cried, chocking on the sobs that left his mouth as he gripped Chaerins shirt. "I just can't," he continued saying, Chaerin tried her best to shush him but it did no good, he continued to cry and repeat the words. "Baby, do you want me to call Jimin and Tae-"

"No! Don't you dare call them!" Yoongi yelled, pushing himself away from Chaerin. "I wanna alone." He whispered, Chaerin sighed as she shook her head, "I'm staying," she said, Yoongi also shook his head. "No."

"Yes. You're a mess right now, Yoongi. Let me help."

"All help has every done for me is bring pain, just fuck off Chae," Yoongi said, wiping his tears with his sleeves. Chaerin sighed as she grabbed the younger and put him on the bed, she laid beside him and held him till he finally fell asleep.

"What happened between them?" Chaerin asked, she was currently on the phone with Dawon, who had told her about how Hoseok was now depressed about something.

"I don't know Rinnie, it's like...it's like something happened that split them apart."

"Yeah, But it can't be a coincidence that they're both so down and crying and shit, Yoongi literally yelled something about wanting to die. Like this..this is scary."

"I know, I'm so scared to leave his side. But at the same time, we're going back to the University in a week. What if...what if something happens?"

"Don't speak like that, everything will be okay, now, you get some rest, all this stress can really hurt you, you know."

"Okay, you too Chae,"

"I will, bye bye, love," Chaerin said as she hung up the phone and looked at a sleeping Yoongi. "Please be okay, Yoongs, please." She whispered as she kissed his temple and climbed back in bed with him.

Yeah, this was short and sad. Sorry but it's only going downhill from here 💜💜💜

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