전 11: resistance what again?

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I can't believe this.

I can't believe what I am seeing.

"W-What is this, Yeobo?" I asked after I came home from work, and only to see her cooking in our kitchen with a phone beside her. She's watching some baking tutorials on YouTube again.

"I'm cooking?" She answered, chuckling after and God, that was the sweetest thing ever. But I know it's not for me anyway, so I only crept a little smile as I approached her.

I want to hug her so bad.

I want to touch her.

I want to kiss her.

But I should limit myself from her, I'm only her husband on paper.

"Baking for Jimin hyung again? I saw him this afternoon but I never got to invite him sinㅡ"

I was cut off when she turned around to face me and she was already crying!

"J-Jieun. . .?" I called out, anxious and worried about her sudden tears. Did I do something wrong??

"I'm sorry for being a burden! I-I am sorry for not being a good wife, for. . . for not being there when you need me to . . I am so sorry when you're protecting me when. . . I don't even know that you do . . And. . and. . I'm so sorry for not loving you back . . ." She sobbed as she cupped my face to look at her, as I listen to her words, all I ever see were stars and pain. Her words were hypnotizing and her voice was enough to soothe me.

But she's being sorry.

And I don't want her to be sorry for everything.

I'm sorry for not loving you back

"Yeobo," I held her as she avoid my eyes again as she cries, I lift her chin up to face me and damn, her misty eyes was the most beautiful sight I could ever see.

Why do I have this?

But I can't own?


"Baby. . " I calmed her again and this time, it worked.

I smiled triumphantly, despite my chest is aching for this.

"Listen, I never regretted everything. I married you, I helped you, and. ." I love you.

". . and people had acknowledged your talent. Yes, I'm so proud of you as my wife and as our composer, okay? You've done everything, you are the nicest woman I could ever have. So. . don't be sorry, okay?" I whispered against her skin as I leaned closer to her face, wishing that I could kiss her.

But I can't.

I pulled my hands down and smiled at her faintly, "Just. . just don't give up. Your father still would want you to do more than just being my wife."

After telling her that, I decide to leave her be since I would just be disturbing her. But before I could even turn my back away, she pulled me closer to hug me.

I was caught off guard that we almost fell but I got to pin her between the sink and me. She was still crying on my shoulder while I'm puzzled and panicking for this proximity we had.

My hands gripped on the sink as I tried to control myself.

She doesn't love you.

She just needs you to be there.

It's fine, Jungkook.

Pretend to be Yoongi once in a while.

I was about to push her away and tell her what was wrong until she said these words that made my eyes wide open.

"Teach me how to love Jeon Jungkook."

I couldn't even open my mouth.

I couldn't even form the words to say.

I was lost!

"W-What. . ." I frowned.

And the next thing she had done caused me a hundred ropes for me not to attack such beautiful lady infront me.

She sat on the side of the sink as she pulled me closer by the nape. Our nose are touching each other and as of this moment, we're exchanging our breath.

"J-Jieun. . . wait. ." I tried to pull back but she kept whining about it.

Doesn't she know how much resistance I should take to stop myself?!?!

She finally released me and look at how she pouted her lips in dismay while I am having a crisis within myself and my other self.

"I'm sorry. I should have not done that," she smiled a little, going back to her spot with sadness lingering in her eyes.

Oh fuck resistance.

I carried her back again to the side of the sink and grabbed her waist closer to mine. She was surprised at first until her arms found its way back to my nape while I tried to hold onto my last thread of shitty resistance.

"You should've done that," I chuckled, lowering my head to leave little pecks of love on her adoring neck and shoulders. She shivered upon the touch but I held her firmly and started caressing her thighs.

"Is it okay?" I breathed out on her ear and she was already whimpering infront of me.

"Y-Yes. . please remove the bad memories I had in there," she begged, pulling me closer and our bodies began to touch. I couldn't prevent myself from growling out of anger whenever I remembered those spots that Yoongi has left behind. I started sucking on her delicate skin, leaving marks of my own as the true owner of this woman that he has tried to own.

This is mine.

She is mine.

And every part of her belongs to me.

"J. .Jungkook. . Aah. ."

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